Why the New York Times freaked out about Trump's gender definition plans
The breathless hysteria quickly spread to other media outlets, the LGBT community, and its allies.
#MeToo has finally come to India, but will it make a difference?
There are countless millions of women from India's remote villages and hamlets whose stories we will probably never hear. If the #MeToo movement is to make a difference for them, it will be by ensuring the rule of law works for them, too.
The Ashers bakery case: What does the judgment mean for Christians?
What were the legal issues, and what do they mean for Christians generally?
Following Christ to show love to our neighbours
When we look deeply into the parable of the Good Samaritan, we are confronted by a picture of radical love for those in need.
Same sex marriage and Scripture: An affirming evangelical view
I believe we should be looking to expand our understanding of marriage in the light of the questions asked of those Scriptures by our understanding of sexuality and gender today.
Toxic masculinity: Why we should stop calling God 'he'
Is this actually what the story of Genesis is all about? Are we being given an insight into the root cause of so much of our cruelty and suffering?
It's simply wrong to imply prostitution is just another career choice
The not-so-subtle message seemed to be that if you want to pay off your student debts, why not sell your own body so others can exploit you for money?
Kavanaugh and Ford: An American tragedy
The problem with nuclear war is that there are no winners. And that, in a nutshell, is what American legislators are now discovering.
Do we still need the Ten Commandments?
Is all the Bible relevant to a Christian worldview? One well-known pastor recently suggested it isn't. But I beg to differ.
In praise of peace and quiet: why lively churches aren't for everyone
While attendance is patchy in other parts of the church, there's one indisputable growth area.
After Wonga: How Christian values are helping reshape Britain's relationship with money
Some five years ago, Justin Welby, the newly enthroned and 105th Archbishop of Canterbury, gave a typically candid and convivial interview to Total Politics.
Mind your language: How what we say about mission hinders what we do
If you know anything about religious conversions in India, then you know it's a highly controversial subject often used to attack Christians.