Michael Curry's sermon: Why the critics don't get it
We use the expression 'captive audience' rather lightly. It's not really a good thing to be a captive.
As Ireland decides whether to relax abortion law, there is nothing progressive about voting 'Yes'
Sadly, we live in a culture in which if someone gets in your way, if their existence threatens your way of life, your prosperity, your future, your plans, then you can simply dispose of them.
The Royal wedding: How it distorted the gospel for the whole world
It seemed that, apart from a few curmudgeonly old-style republicans, everyone was on board.
Windrush and the Royal wedding: Why we need to complicate our national story
We've been celebrating a royal wedding in which it's clear that, in the service, a definite move was made to recognise and incorporate black or mixed-race identity into the heart of the establishment.
The Royal wedding: How it preached the gospel to the world
And Christians have a particular reason to be deeply grateful that this wedding was what it was, where it was, and led by who it was.
Royal weddings and lady bishops â time for a change?
Both Ms Markle and Dean Faull are women making history this year â breaking new ground and heading into uncharted territory.
Ecclesiastes 9: Time and chance, and why we can't always get what we want
There appears to be a randomness about human existence. One does not get what one deserves and outcomes happen unexpectedly and suddenly.
Domestic violence: Yes, it's in the church too
Domestic abuse is an issue which affects the church in the UK just as much as the country as a whole.
Harry and Meghan's wedding won't be quite perfect â and that's good
Harry and Meghan's wedding reminds us that for most of us, perfection is unattainable.
The great evangelical silence: What the church should say about Gaza
There's a chilling disjunction between the glossy celebrations and political love-in on show yesterday as the US embassy in Jerusalem opened, and the carnage just a few miles away in Gaza.
What is the point of theology?
What does theology mean to the wretched of the earth, to those without status, wealth, or power?
Indonesia's family suicide bombers represent spiritual forces of evil
The suicide bombers of our days are different. They don't die out of love, but out of hate.