The humanity of the unborn should be obvious to everyone
No matter what ideologues say, we all know (or at least once knew) that abortion involves killing unborn babies.
Conservatives are not relativists: Yoram Hazony and a conservatism built on sand
To defend something rationally is to set out reasons for why it has features that are deemed to make it true and good.
Bishops always say they're listening: are they listening to us about transgender?
Those of us who have signed this new open letter humbly hope that the details of what we set out within it may now be truly heard.
How dare Karen Pence be a Christian!
Because Mrs. Pence helps out at a school with biblically-Christian standards, there has been a near-hysterical breakdown in the media.
Trump, Brexit and human sexuality: Are we to be doomed by intransigence?
Simply repeating the same rhetoric over and over again is not likely to unlock any deadlock or move people nearer to finding a solution that is acceptable to the majority.
Darwin and God: How modern science backs Christian teaching about the origin of evil
What if rather than offering an alternative explanation for evil, evolutionary science is actually providing empirical evidence for a doctrine of revelation?
More equal than others? How complementarianism (mis)uses language to skew the gender debate
Across the world the #metoo movement has exposed widespread sexual abuse, and in the church #churchtoo has done the same.
In 2019 let's sort out gambling advertising
Just as the evidence that tobacco ruins lives helped persuade people of the need for changes to tobacco advertising, we are more aware than ever of the harmful effects of gambling.
Anger: Why it's an underrated Christian virtue
Christian leaders raised their voices, unsurprisingly, to call for more civility, politeness and general niceness.
The truth about Christians who sexually assault others
It was years ago. But it's hard to forget the time you had to tell your team leader that you are experiencing sexual harassment.
10th anniversary celebrations are a tribute to Jewish-Christian dialogue
The Broughton Park Jewish Christian Dialogue Group of Salford, Greater Manchester, met to celebrate its 10th anniversary in a reunion which included members both past and present from all parts of the country.
Transgender tragi-comedy: the House of Bishops' Christmas cracker
When I was training to be a vicar at theological college, a group of friends and I decided to have a bit of a laugh one year by writing a spoof liturgy.