
Conversion: It\'s important but it\'s not the end goal
Conversion: It's important but it's not the end goal

If your ministry has seen tremendous growth through conversions, praise God and I hope conversions keep happening, but the question all those converts will be having is, "What's next?"

Greed: why it\'s a faith-killer and how you can avoid it
Greed: why it's a faith-killer and how you can avoid it

Faith kills greed and greed kills faith. The connection might not be obvious on the outset, but that's how the root works.

5 unrealistic expectations that may ruin your marriage
5 unrealistic expectations that may ruin your marriage

Here are five unrealistic expectations that may ruin your marriage if not corrected.

8 verses that depict God as our protector
8 verses that depict God as our protector

With all the dangerous things that are happening in the world, in our nations and even in our own backyards, it's hard to imagine that God can and will protect us.

If God is just, then why do good people suffer?
If God is just, then why do good people suffer?

The suffering we experience is but a shaving of what we really deserve, but because God is loving and merciful, He gave us Jesus to receive our true just portion so that we would be justified and could now receive His beautiful reward instead of our ugly punishment.

The logic of complementarianism: Don\'t vote Hillary because she\'s female
The logic of complementarianism: Don't vote Hillary because she's female

For some people Clinton's candidacy should have been ruled out from the start, for what they claim is a thoroughly biblical reason: she is female.

What do we make of Jesus' strong words about divorce?
What do we make of Jesus' strong words about divorce?

A text without a context is a pretext, so let's look closely at Jesus' words about divorce.

Discipleship is not teaching people to follow us
Discipleship is not teaching people to follow us

Connect people to you and connect them to the church, but never miss out on connecting them straight to Jesus Christ.

3 essential questions leaders must ask their followers
3 essential questions leaders must ask their followers

Here are three questions leaders can ask their followers to receive insight that they can really listen to and learn from.

The one thing needed for a miracle to happen
The one thing needed for a miracle to happen

The one thing that every miracle needs in order to happen is a crisis—a challenge, a certain lack or a problem that we cannot face on our own.

God puts you into a process before He brings you to a breakthrough
God puts you into a process before He brings you to a breakthrough

It's funny how we love to see God bring breakthrough but often scorn the thought of the process we are brought into before God breaks through.

Why quality family time honours God
Why quality family time honours God

While God is honoured with our work, He is not honoured when work invades the slots meant for family time.

Why doesn\'t God heal us every time we pray for healing?
Why doesn't God heal us every time we pray for healing?

Jesus has all the power to bring healing for even the most terrible diseases. He's done it before and He continues to do it today, but He doesn't do it for everyone.

3 of Pope Francis\' marriage essentials and how you can incorporate them into your relationship
3 of Pope Francis' marriage essentials and how you can incorporate them into your relationship

In his address to couples in Krakow last week, Pope Francis mentioned three things which he said are essential for married couples to remember as they go through married life. Here's how you can incorporate these three things into your marriage.

3 tips for getting through periods of uncertainty
3 tips for getting through periods of uncertainty

Even though we can't always prepare ourselves for the unexpected, we can plan for how we deal with times of uncertainty. Here are three tips for taming worries about the unknowns in your life.

Looking for your perfect spouse? Focus on this
Looking for your perfect spouse? Focus on this

Do we look for what God wants for us, or do we just pursue what pleases us?