
What integrity really costs us
The greatest paradox of a life lived in Christ is the fact that salvation in Him is free, but to live for Him will cost everything.

Should we really pray harder when breakthrough doesn't come?
While we should be persistent in prayer, we must also consider the attitude we come with as we persevere.

Why it is never easyâbut still possibleâto forgive
By our own strength, it will never be easy to forgiveâever. But with the compassion of Christ and His heart imputed into us, forgiveness becomes the norm.

Rio 2016: what the world's top athletes can teach us about stepping up our spiritual game
Over the next few weeks, each athlete will learn things about themselves, their opponents and their sport as the games progress but as spectators we can also pick up a few pointers as we seek to run the race Christ has set out for us.

Wedding survival guide: 9 hints for enjoying your friends' nuptials
Struggling through wedding season? Try Jo Swinney's top tips for turning your fake camera smile into a beam of genuine joy the next time you're at a wedding.

Daniel in the lions' den: What we don't tell the children
The story of Daniel in the lions' den is a children's favourite, for obvious reasons. It has fierce, furry animals that are tame enough to stroke, and a happy ending.

Why it's OK to do Church Lite in the summer
People are on holiday. There are mild panics as we realise there's no one to play the piano.

What to do when church lets you down
When these events happen, we tend to think why Christians are so different from the Christ we all profess to confess and pursue.

Here's why we should learn to stand on our own two feet
We should all learn to stand up for what really matters.

3 reasons why you should learn to say 'no' to people you keep saying 'yes' to
Not knowing how to say 'no' will cost us more than we will ever expect.

3 instances in the Bible where losing meant winning
These instances show us that victory isn't garnered after winning a certain event. Sometimes we might win the fight, but actually lose the war.

What church leaders should be
Church leaders should realise and learn that being a leader in church is not about us. It's all about Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone.

How Christians can spot 'church bullies'
Even inside the church, there are bullies who get a kick out of getting their own way and making other people do their bidding. Because of this fact, Thom Rainer, CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, is sharing some tips on how to identify church bullies and stay clear of them.

Why more abundance can choke your soul
God tests believers with a season of lack, but we wouldn't imagine God testing us with a season of abundance.

When weakness shows our true worth
No matter how broken you are, there was someone willing to pay a steep price for your life.

Stop thinking God is punishing you by keeping you single
We like calling singleness a season of testing or a time to ready yourself for something better, as if it's a curse that plagues people who don't have it in them to be good husbands or wives yet.