
Dark summer: 6 unseasonal Christian classics to take on your summer holiday
Dark summer: 6 unseasonal Christian classics to take on your summer holiday

Record-breaking NFL quarterback Brett Favre thanks Jesus as he's inducted into Hall of Fame
On Saturday, record-breaking Christian quarterback Brett Favre was inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame. Favre began his speech with a joke about returning to the field before moving on to thank Jesus.

Where to find your purpose
God often reveals His purpose in your life when you are at your most trying moments. If you're facing a challenge today, it's time to open your ears to hear from God because this most likely will be the time when He reveals His grand plan for you.

Genuine faith is built in the furnace not in vacations
Genuine faith is not only built in times of abundance and prosperity. Yes, God uses both to train and develop us, but there are also some aspects to your faith that can only be developed in the furnace.

How a Christian is to handle criticism
As Christians, God calls us to impact our respective communities, and this calls for us to be ready to receive criticism. Here are three ways Christians can respond to criticism.

Pursue God first and everything will be added unto you
It's been said that the pursuit of Christ is the pursuit of everything because as we pursue Him, He adds all things we need to us. How do we translate and understand that?

How we can have courage when our circumstances make us feel afraid
Today, we can look to Jesus Christ for courage when we are reminded, just as Joshua was, that we have a God who never leaves us or forsakes us.

The power of declaring your God-given identity
Words and declarations have more power than you can ever imagine. So much of history and so much of your personal life is affected and determined by the words that have been spoken to you.

Xiaomi VR specs news: High on aesthetics, super cheap VR headset launched in China
Xiaomi Mi VR is a light weight, affordable and convenient Virtual reality headset that is set to give higher end products of the same category a run for their money.

The 4 myths about Jesus that may be ruining your life
In Ephesians 1, Paul breathlessly lavishes praise on the Lord and illustrates him as the reconciler of Heaven and Earth.

How to read - and understand - the book of Revelation
For centuries Revelation has been the staple diet for conspiracy theorists, millenialists and anyone who wants to find some Scripture for their own personal crackpot theory.

Moto X 2016 release date: specs tipped to include SD 820, dual-lens camera
It was believed that Lenovo-Motorola has discontinued its Moto X line with the announcement of the Moto Z. However, a recent GFXBench result of a phone believed to be the Moto X 2016 surfaced, showing a Snapdragon 820 and a dual-lens camera system.

Where to find both rest for your weary soul and help in time of need
No matter how weary or troubled you are, God is able to take on any challenge. And because He's for you and He loves you, He'll take it on for your own good.

Take heart: Here are some things that Christ has overcome for you
The Lord Jesus Christ overcame so many things for us.

5 Bible verses that speak of God's amazing love
Our God is a God of love.

3 ways to love your spouse better
Loving our spouses take more than just saying "I do" at the wedding altar.