
5 tips in making the most of your day every day
Every day is a blessing from the Lord.

3 reasons why you should celebrate your marriage daily
Here are some reasons why you should celebrate your marriage daily.

Am I leading my children away from God's plan?
It's in every Christian parent's heart to see their children pursue the fullness of the purpose that they have in Christ.

5 things churches should stop saying about depression
Depression is as real as day and night and can also be experienced by believers at times. God promises freedom in all aspects of life through Jesus Christ, but He didn't mean instant change all the time.

4 teachings that make you realise Jesus didn't lighten the standard
Here are four teachings that make you realise that the new covenant we have in Christ is not one that is supposed to make us lazy.

Nintendo NX release date, specs news: technological marvel hitting markets early 2017
Although the Nintendo NX is not set to release till March next year, rumors have already created a mystifying image of the handheld console that is expected to revolutionize and dominate gaming markets in 2017.

Heart over head: How encountering Christ changed the lives of three Bible scholars
Sooner or later, even the wisest scholar has to answer the question: what does Christ mean to me?

What to do when the 'bad' people around you become 'blessed'
Take heart, friends, because nothing goes over God's head.

Having a hard time growing in Christ-likeness? Here's an encouragement for you
Truth be told, growth in Christ-likeness is impossible in human terms. But with God, it's possible.

Are you being persecuted for your faith in Christ? Here's how you should respond to it
Seriously, persecution is a blessing.

3 tips to glorifying God in your workplace while enjoying your work
Here are some tips to help you enjoy glorifying God in your workplace.

Single and hoping to marry? Here's how trusting God to give you the best partner works
Because He loves us and is for us, He is by no means a killjoy.

Why the heart matters most to God
The heart heavily determines whether our actions become that of a God-honouring, Christ-following disciple or an extremely passionate but sincerely wrong false prophet.

God fights for your joy and peace more than you do
While we understand Jesus as being the source of peace and joy, just how readily accessible is He and how can we tap into Him as our source?

Hope, the fuel of our faith: What the Bible says
We can rest assured that God's purposes will come to pass, even when all around us is turmoil and we are feeling confused by what we are going through.

Rick Warren: One simple way to break bad habits and turn from sin
In order to break bad habits and stop sinning, megapastor Rick Warren has some sage advice to Christians: choose to change.