
The key to being a fisher of men: You cannot save people's souls, only Jesus can
Every Christian is called to be a light unto the world and is commanded to go and make disciples, but does that mean that God's commission is up to us?

Loving our kids the Christian way: Don't be a parent who misses the point - and the person
Often in our own blindness or busyness, we do things thinking that we're in the right only to find that we have been sincerely wrong from the beginning.

Godly parenting: 3 principles on anger that parents should learn for more effective discipline
Being a parent is a delight and a blessing, but we parents cannot deny that there can be moments where children can do or say things that provoke frustration and even anger.

4 lessons on God's sovereignty, life and value that I learned from cancer
Here are four lessons that have become real to me through my experience of the treacherous sickness that is cancer.

Is prosperity or financial blessing a sign that you're in line with God's will?
Many have the wrong assumption that receiving financial and material prosperity or blessing means that they are in line with the will of God, or that they are doing what God wants them to do.

Jesus is still the antidote to all the suffering in the world
How can we find hope in the midst of all of this suffering?

Why God doesn't ask you to go to church
God makes it clear throughout scripture that the church is not a place we go to but a group of people who build each other up in Jesus Christ

Why we sing songs to God as a way of worship
God made us for the reason that we would worship the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit and give Him honour and glory. One of the best ways that we express worship is through songs.

God's thoughts towards you are bigger than you think
God has always been and will always be a bigger thinker than any of us, and the beauty of this is that through Jesus we now have the power to let those plans of God come to pass in our lives - if we put our trust in the power of Christ and His grace to sustain us.

If God is just why does He hate legalism?
God values our holiness because it is only when we are holy that we can commune and have an intimate relationship with God in His presence. It took Jesus Himself becoming the atonement for our sin to become righteous and now we can enter freely into a relationship with Christ.

Why the Old Covenant is not obsolete
The authority and relevance of the Old Testament books can be questioned and the Old Testament covenant and teachings regarded as null and void because of the cross. But Jesus' finished work does not completely erase the old covenant, rather it has fulfilled it and that's why it's so important to understand it.

3 practical ways to enjoy your life today
Here are some practical tips for you to be able to enjoy life the way it should be enjoyed.

When we obey God in generosity, He will not let His channels run out of provision
When we truly understand God's grace and are empowered by Holy Spirit, we will respond in compassion to the underprivileged.

What 'forsaking all others' at the marriage altar really means
Let's forsake all others and learn to prioritize our spouses in the pursuit of God.

4 ways leaders think they build churches but actually destroy them
Jesus once promised that He would build His church, and until today that promise still stands for those who would trust in Jesus Christ alone that we build stronger ministries.

5 advantages of being a bi-vocational pastor
In many cultures, it sometimes feels off to have a pastor, minister or church leader who serves the church on a vocational basis and garners income off other means too.