
Can Christians Believe In Astrology?
Can Christians Believe In Astrology?

Coming to faith today is a process, rather than an event. That means we must discuss disciplines that people may continue to hold on to as they become followers of Jesus, say Ross Clifford and Philip Johnson.

Why Friendship Is A Better Investment Than Romance
Why Friendship Is A Better Investment Than Romance

Friendship can be complicated, as complicated and painful as any other inter-human relationship. But what would life be without friends?

Why praying harder doesn\'t always solve your problems
Why praying harder doesn't always solve your problems

Prayer is important, but it's not just a request form that we fill out and pass on to God.

When your kids can\'t interrupt your work, something is wrong
When your kids can't interrupt your work, something is wrong

If there's one principle that the Bible teaches all across the board, it's that family matters to God.

Child-like humility and spiritual maturity: how you can strike the right balance
Child-like humility and spiritual maturity: how you can strike the right balance

We know we have to humility like a little child and yet at the same time we are called to be spiritually mature. So how do we make sure we are just the right amount of each but not too much of either?

Why losing the joy of your salvation will only get you in trouble
Why losing the joy of your salvation will only get you in trouble

The sting of failure can be disabling, even traumatising to some. But God has provided a way to stand strong even in the midst of failure and that is by finding joy in our salvation.

Too lazy for church? Here are some ways to stir yourself up to worship
Too lazy for church? Here are some ways to stir yourself up to worship

Do you feel like going to church has become a chore? Or do you feel too lazy to go to church? Here are some things that you can do to handle that.

3 biblical reasons why you should take care of your body and make sure you\'re healthy
3 biblical reasons why you should take care of your body and make sure you're healthy

Taking care of our health is a spiritual matter as it is a physical matter.

3 important faith lessons we can learn from a mustard seed
3 important faith lessons we can learn from a mustard seed

The mustard seed is but a small seed, but we can learn important lessons from it. In fact, even the Lord Jesus made mention of the mustard seed to His disciples to teach them some things.

6 Ways To Welcome Students To Your Church
6 Ways To Welcome Students To Your Church

Right now some fresh-faced University students will be looking for a Church. How can you best welcome them in?

Struggling With Comparing Yourself To Others? Time To Do Something About It
Struggling With Comparing Yourself To Others? Time To Do Something About It

If you're exhausted by the battle to stay ahead, maybe it's time to break your programming and turn comparison on its head.

Tired of ministry work? Here are some things you can do to recharge
Tired of ministry work? Here are some things you can do to recharge

Ministry sure is fulfilling, but it is very tiring.

Here are some neat budget-friendly ways to spread God\'s love
Here are some neat budget-friendly ways to spread God's love

Since Christ has commissioned all of us who believe in Him to be His mouthpiece, hands and feet in our generation, its best that we spread His love in ways that He did.

5 realisations you should have before you get married
5 realisations you should have before you get married

If you want a marriage that lasts the seasons, here are five realisations that will strengthen the foundation of your future relationships and that you should be well acquainted with even before getting married.

6 Bible scriptures to turn to if you are doubting God\'s goodness
6 Bible scriptures to turn to if you are doubting God's goodness

Here are six scriptures that we can turn to when we start doubting God's goodness.