
Why Every Christian Needs to Strive to Become More Than a \'Good Person\'
Why Every Christian Needs to Strive to Become More Than a 'Good Person'

What is God's standard of goodness? It's complete and utmost perfection- holiness. Can we achieve it?

Does God Delight in the Death of the Wicked?
Does God Delight in the Death of the Wicked?

God does not want anybody to die in hell away from Him. He sent His one and only Son to redeem us and bring us back to Him to become His sons and daughters, all of us – wicked or not.

3 Things the Gospel Enables Us to Do
3 Things the Gospel Enables Us to Do

More than just saving us from hell and giving us entrance to heaven, the Gospel of Christ enables us to do things that no other event, teaching, mindset, or discipline can ever give. Here are some things only the Gospel of Christ can empower us to do and to be.

How Joshua 1:7 Translates to Real Life
How Joshua 1:7 Translates to Real Life

God gave us His complete and perfect counsel in the Bible. It contains all the instruction and guidance that a child of God needs to live a holy and godly life in pursuit of Christ. Merely trying to follow it won't be enough, friends. We should obey it outright

\'Why Me, God?\' 3 Reasons Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
'Why Me, God?' 3 Reasons Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

Before you get tempted to be angry at God for the bad thing that happened to you even in your innocence, or at the seemingly prosperous life of your offenders, here are some reasons why "bad" things happen to "good" people.

Why is God Good to You?
Why is God Good to You?

God is a very good Father. There's no one who is like Him on earth, no one as kind, as loving, and patient, and as merciful. Yet for all that, many of us seem to take His kindness for granted; We forget that He is a just and holy God who tolerates no sin or wickedness.

Career and Calling: How Following God Combines These Two
Career and Calling: How Following God Combines These Two

Many people are confused or frustrated about combining or pursuing both their career and calling in God. How can we give our lives to God's call for us while we pursue a great career? Friends, it's not impossible; it's actually possible – and even easy – if we follow God.

Hope Amid Crisis: Testimonies Of Christian Transformation In War-Torn Syria
Hope Amid Crisis: Testimonies Of Christian Transformation In War-Torn Syria

In the midst of the largest refugee crisis in history, testimonies of transformation and salvation are emerging from the war-stricken Middle East.

How the Devil Tries to Use Your Weaknesses to Destroy You
How the Devil Tries to Use Your Weaknesses to Destroy You

Here are four ways that the enemy will try to use your weakness against you and how to counter by standing on God's original design.

6 Ways Practically To Step Out In Courage
6 Ways Practically To Step Out In Courage

Courage matters today just as much as it has always. Here are six ways that we can live out in courage in our day and age.

Christians Have A Right To Defend The Cross, Says Rowan Williams
Christians Have A Right To Defend The Cross, Says Rowan Williams

Rowan Williams has produced a new book on the meaning of the cross and resurrection "then and now" as the latest in his series of short, powerful works published by SPCK.

What Does The Christian Cross Actually Mean? Exclusive Extract From New Book By Rowan Williams
What Does The Christian Cross Actually Mean? Exclusive Extract From New Book By Rowan Williams

Imagine going into a church and being faced with a large picture of an electric chair - or a guillotine. Early Christians lived in a world where that is how the cross was viewed. It was seen as a sign of suffering, humiliation and disgrace.

Why Are Evangelicals So Bad At Dealing With Doubt?
Why Are Evangelicals So Bad At Dealing With Doubt?

Pope Francis has admitted something rather extraordinary for a Pope, who is supposed to be above all that kind of thing.

3 Ways Jesus Challenges Authority
3 Ways Jesus Challenges Authority

No-one likes having their authority subverted. Yet Jesus does this all the time. David Baker looks at what this means.

Do We Serve God or Money? 3 Signs to Watch Out For
Do We Serve God or Money? 3 Signs to Watch Out For

It's our choice to love money, or to not love money and love God instead. Would you want to know if you're on the erring side of pursuing money instead of God? Here are some signs to watch out for.

Can A Pope Doubt? Francis Speaks Of The \'Moments Of Darkness\' In His Faith
Can A Pope Doubt? Francis Speaks Of The 'Moments Of Darkness' In His Faith

At a village in Italy hit by an earthquake, Pope Francis speaks of the times he has found it hard to keep on believing