
3 Ways Christians Hide Their Light in a Basket
3 Ways Christians Hide Their Light in a Basket

The Lord Jesus Himself told us to let our lights shine so that people may see us do good and then glorify God. Oftentimes this is understood or perceived wrongly, leading many believers to either fail to shine their lights, let themselves shine for their own glory, or actually hide their light under a basket.

How God Puts Heart Into Us: 10 Bible Verses About Encouragement
How God Puts Heart Into Us: 10 Bible Verses About Encouragement

The Bible has a lot to say about encouragement, how God puts heart into us, and how we can put heart into other people.

5 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues
5 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues

5 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues

How Can People Get Their Spouses to Open Up? Here Are 5 Tips
How Can People Get Their Spouses to Open Up? Here Are 5 Tips

Every good relationship needs good communication in order to thrive. But sometimes, couples find it extremely difficult to talk to one another. Things gets doubly difficult especially if one's spouse is closed off and always guarded.

5 Career Choices That Show Our Utmost Trust in God
5 Career Choices That Show Our Utmost Trust in God

In all our ways, including our career choices, God must be acknowledged and trusted. Here are five career choices that will show that utmost trust in God.

Finding Courage and Confidence in the Midst of Uncertainty
Finding Courage and Confidence in the Midst of Uncertainty

If you want to feel confident, don't wait for things to be 100 percent certain and perfect. It's never going to happen.

Feel Overwhelmed? Here Are 4 Ways Solitude Can Actually Be Good for You
Feel Overwhelmed? Here Are 4 Ways Solitude Can Actually Be Good for You

If you're feeling a little overwhelmed today, chances are you need some time for solitude. Here are four ways that that can actually help you.

The Importance of Dealing With Our Kids\' Feeling of Entitlement
The Importance of Dealing With Our Kids' Feeling of Entitlement

Here are five reasons why parents should not let the feeling of entitlement to take hold of their children even at an early age.

How Fathers Can Help Their Sons Grow Up to Be Godly Men
How Fathers Can Help Their Sons Grow Up to Be Godly Men

Raising boys into men is a task that fathers must take full responsibility for.

Why Does God Give Some People Second Chances At Life?
Why Does God Give Some People Second Chances At Life?

One motorist figured in a horrific road accident several months ago due to overspeeding, and his doctor said it's a miracle he's still alive. He's wondering if God had a hand in his second shot at life, and asked world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham what he thought.

Honey as Facial Wash? Check Out Its Health Benefits for the Skin
Honey as Facial Wash? Check Out Its Health Benefits for the Skin

People do not need to shell out big bucks for beauty products, especially since some of the best beauty products can already be found at the kitchen shelves.

New Year, New Hope: Is It Time To Try Online Dating?
New Year, New Hope: Is It Time To Try Online Dating?

It is the season of New Year's resolutions and trying new things. Is it time to try Christian online dating? Joseph Hartropp has decided to find out.

The One Piece Of Advice That Could Save Your Marriage
The One Piece Of Advice That Could Save Your Marriage

What's the secret to a happy marriage? Harry Benson found out the hard way when he survived the near break-up of his marriage to his wife Kate.

Finding Safety in the Shadow of God\'s Wings
Finding Safety in the Shadow of God's Wings

Sometimes safety can be misconstrued as a perpetual absence of conflict or pressure.

7 Things to Start Doing Less This 2017
7 Things to Start Doing Less This 2017

Here are seven things that we should start doing less of this 2017.

Signs That You Want Marriage More Than God — and What You Can Do About It
Signs That You Want Marriage More Than God — and What You Can Do About It

There's a chance that God may be holding back the one for you because you've been holding back on experiencing Him more.