
How Christians Can Grow in Marriage While Having Young Kids
We can and should grow in our marriage even as kids start coming into our love story. Here are five simple ways that Christian couples can grow in marriage while having kids.

How God's Fatherly Love Restores Our Relationship With Our Earthly Fathers
No matter how nonexistent or broken our relationship with our earthly fathers may be, if we are in Christ we are no orphans. Simply because we have a loving Father in heaven, a Father like no other.

One Thing Everyone Needs to Do to Be Successful
You want to be successful? Follow Jesus. He will make you successful.

One Key to Having a Happy, Satisfying Marriage Relationship
A healthy, happy marriage is the product of the combined effort of the husband and his wife. Would you want to have a marriage that is both enjoyable and satisfying?

There's No Such Thing as a Perfect Church
While there is an expectation placed on churches to be loving, compassionate, non-judgmental and happy communities, that's not always the case.

Why We Should Give Wages to Whom They Are Due
If God gave us the best gift in the world through the death and resurrection of His Son, we should at least respond to His kindness by giving what is due to whom it is due. Let's all honour God.

Are You a Child of God? Then You Should Do This
As children of God, we should desire to be like God, our loving Father.

Should I Still Obey the Ten Commandments if I Am Under Grace?
Our obedience to the commandments will never ever be able to give us salvation. It will, however, show our love for God. These commandments tell us what God likes and hates, and when we obey them we simply do it to please God.

How Pride Destroys God's Big Plans for Us All
Pride is destructive because it pulls us away from God's good intent and wonderful plans. Here are three ways that a sinful attitude of pride does that.

5 Ways to Balance Work and Volunteer Ministry Without Getting Exhausted
Here are five ways that we can balance work in the ministry without sacrificing our careers, families or even health.

Why Are Abortion Numbers Falling In The United States?
Significant falls in the number of abortions and of abortion facilities are revealed in separate surveys â but no-one really knows why.

'Can I get a witness?' Whatever happened to sharing our testimonies?
As a teenager who'd come from outside the church, the thing that really intrigued me and hooked me in every week was the regular 'Testimony Time'.

Unsatisfied At Work? Here's How To Find Fulfilment
The world of work can be an absolute minefield. From figuring out what on earth you're meant to do with your life, to cracking just what a 'business casual' dress-code actually means, it can sometimes feel like one hurdle after another.

5 Ways We Miss Out on Jesus When Reading Scripture
Here are five ways that we can miss Christ when we read the scripture.

What the Bible Really Means When It Calls Us to Be 'Greek to the Greek'
Where do we draw the line between being in the world and being of it? It seems the demarcation line gets more blurry as time passes by.

Are Men More Superior Than Women in the Eyes of God?
What is the biblical view of man and woman and the hierarchy of their values? As far as hierarchy is concerned, none exists.