
Microsoft's next Surface Phone rumored to be called Surface P or Surface Mini

While the hope of Windows Phone fans have been renewed when Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently reiterated that the company is definitely releasing another phone in the market, it is now suspected that the device will not be called the Surface Phone as it is not really a phone.

'I have failed,' says new Bishop at Lambeth – but I am a loved child of God

Good news means not just the news that makes you smile but the Good News, the news that transforms lives and turns the world upside down.

Why did Jesus really ask the Samaritan woman for a drink?

One of the great 'meeting Jesus' stories of the New Testament is in John 4, where he encounters the woman at the well.

Most Americans believe the Bible is divinely inspired, but fewer than ever take it literally

Most Americans still believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, but the number who believe it should be taken literally (24 per cent) is at a 40-year low.

When is Father's Day 2017 in USA?

Every year, aside from having to face the continuously changing political climate and the seemingly worsening standards of living and quality of life, humans all over the world spend at least two days honoring their parents.

3 words of encouragement for Christians struggling with holiness

To be holy simply means to be "set apart" for God. It sounds simple enough but in reality, it can be hard.

I'm a Christian with the promises of God, but why do I still feel so alone?

It's easy to be surrounded by people and yet have a feeling in our heart of disconnect from the people in our lives.

When is the best time to get married?

There's always a perfect time for everything, including tying the knot.

Jesus said the disciples would do 'greater works' than he did. He didn't mention walking on water

This weekend brought the news of a pastor apparently eaten alive by crocodiles in an attempted demonstration of his faith.

Nokia 8 arriving in June for face off with Galaxy S8 and iPhone 8

Following the successful release of the Nokia 3, Nokia 5, and Nokia 6, it is now alleged that HMD will release its next Nokia brand of phone in the market, the Nokia 8, next month, and it is meant to take on Samsung Galaxy S8 and the highly anticipated iPhone 8.

What does a godly relationship with money look like?

Many Christians think money is the root of all evil, but in truth it's not.

Is it ok to do things I know are wrong if it's to try and win my non-Christian friends to Christ?

Many of us have non-believing friends we want to win to Christ. In attempting to reach out to them, however, many make the mistake of compromising.

3 things that make Christian marriages different

Although from the outside they look like normal happy marriages, Godly marriages have in them certain qualities that distinguish them from common marriage relationships.

Exercising just 30 minutes a day five times a week can make you live longer, say scientists

While aging is certain and unstoppable, researchers have discovered a way to delay its effects.

SpaceX News 2017: More flights coming soon

SpaceX continues to launch on schedule, will this mean more mission in the future?