
Too busy to read God's Word? Here are 5 tips to make time for it!
Here are five steps to making time to read the Word of God even when we're extremely busy.

5 tips for raising children who grow up to love Jesus
The Holy Spirit flows powerfully whenever believers offer up faith-filled prayers for their children.

5 steps to stop losing sleep over money
Money worries can be a cancer, distracting us from what God wants us to accomplish in life.

When is Ramadan 2017? This year's start and end date and the significance of the occasion
Ramadan is coming and here's when its starting and ending.

The one thing you need to do if God's miracle hasn't come through for you yet
If you've been praying, crying and waiting for what seems like an eternity, there's only one thing you can do.

Why does Jesus ask us to deny ourselves?
It's a very strong command, one that came from the very mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ, so it's important we understand why He asks it of us.

How do I know if I'm a born again Christian?
The term 'born again' is popular in Christian circles but what does it actually mean?

The most likely people to fight online are white, Christian, male millennials
A new study explores the phenomenon of online conflict - who does it and why?

William Gladstone's eight greatest quotes on the day he died
A faithful churchgoer in the Church of England Gladstone, who died on this day, worked to remove restrictions and prejudice against Catholics during his time in office.

6 forgotten works from big name Christian authors
There are popular and influential authors who have great work which has been somewhat overlooked. Here we list some of the options you could add to the reading list this summer...

What's the difference between milk and solid food for followers of Jesus?
Can't we have both of them at the same time?

Really? Pastor John Piper says people who have never heard the Gospel won't go to hell
What about people living in far-flung places who have never heard of Jesus?

The crowds love him and he tells the best jokes. So why is this Christian comic quitting stand-up?
Can Christians do comedy? Many would consider the prospect either impossible or ill-advised. Christian Today met up with Christian comedian Andy Kind to discuss po-faced Christianity, grace and egomania and, the best Christian joke and why he's moving on from comedy to evangelism.

How can we be sure Jesus will return and how should we prepare?
If Jesus was able to predict with unnerving precision what would take place several decades later in relation to the temple, we can be sure that one day the New Testament promises about his return will also be fulfilled

The 84 thoughts you have during a contemporary worship service
Do you stand up or sit down, and if so when? Martin Saunders lists some of the things that go through our heads during contemporary evangelical worship