
Ian Botham, dementia and the hope of a better future
Increasingly our culture seems to be treating the elderly and the vulnerable as an inconvenience, as a burden on society's meagre economic resources, as a group of people to be neither seen or heard.

John Piper's message about hell to six-year-olds is dangerous â and perhaps even abusive
John Piper suggests that talking with an anxious six year-old about hell is a 'golden opportunity'. A wonderful chance to reach into those fears and anxieties to point to the great darkness behind them, and then to illustrate the contrast with God's offer of eternal life with him.

Is it OK to be a Christian and still believe in things from other faiths?
Can we be a true Christian and mix our faith in Jesus with spiritual practices and beliefs from other faith traditions?

Is casual dating acceptable for practising Christians?
Let the words of Christ encourage you if you are tempted to date casually.

Could Zacchaeus count? What his story tells us about the arithmetic of gratitude
There's a fascinating story in Luke 19 which has all the elements needed to make it a great children's Sunday school lesson.

'Hatred stirs up conflict': 11 Bible verses about anger
We live in an often angry world. Is anger a virtue to celebrate, or a vice to put away? Here are 11 Bible verses about it.

How Steven Curtis Chapman turned tragedy into opportunity
The Chapman family faced an unthinkable tragedy yet somehow used it as an opportunity to bring blessing to others.

Which came first â the chicken or the Church?
Or to put it another way, why did the modern chicken evolve the way it has? Is it really because of the Church?

iOS 11 release date, features news: Updates may include group FaceTime and a smarter Siri
The new iOS update is anticipated to be launched this 2017, and among its speculated features are a group FaceTime capability and a Siri that can adapt to the user's usage habits.

Should Christians go to war? 8 Bible verses to help you decide
Should Christians ever go to war? Eight Bible verses to help you decide.

Buried St Edmund: How this time archaeologists are hoping to find a king under a tennis court
Town councillors have given their backing for an excavation that could uncover the bones of one of England's early kings and martyrs, slain by his enemies centuries ago.

What It Means To Say To God 'Hallowed Be Your Name'
The Lord's Prayer starts off with teaching us to pray "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name." But what does it mean when we say God's name is "hallowed?"

I survived the Boston marathon bombing. But life as I knew it came to an end
The blast wave hit like a freight train and I felt as if the street itself had exploded. All of a sudden I found myself thrown back, sprawled on the ground, like something out of a movie.

One effective way of evaluating your growth in Christ
We can think we've grown in faith just because we've been Christian for a long time. But the real way to measure our growth in the faith is this.

3 people in the Bible to encourage you when you fear the cost of following God
Despite God's immense worth, many of us fear taking risks to serve Him, honor Him, and please Him.