
Cancer cure latest news 2017: Can breast milk cure bowel cancer?
A father and his daughter recently made headlines when it was revealed that the latter is giving breast milk to the former as an attempt to cure his bowel cancer.

The one thing we really need to be able to show God's love to others
We who received such a love must realize that we are also told to give it away.

3 Bible passages to encourage you to keep fighting the good fight of faith when you feel tempted to give up
The Word of God encourages us to fight the good fight of faith and not give up most especially when we are tempted to.

5 warning signs of depression
Feeling down and blue from time to time is a normal part of life. However, when emotions like despair and hopelessness threaten to overwhelm you, then you may be depressed.

Tad Cummins and Elizabeth Thomas found after property caretaker recognizes them
Former teacher Tad Cummins, who kidnapped his student Elizabeth Thomas, has been found after a property caretaker recognized them as the subjects of an ongoing nationwide search.

Overcoming addictions: How to break free from the bad habits that entangle you
Addictions and other bad habits might be difficult to overcome, but in Christ we can get rid of them.

5 signs God wants you to quit your job
Here are five signs that God wants you to quit your current job and move into a new one.

Why is it so hard to stop sinning even after we've been saved?
Many fellow believers find it hard to stop sinning and end up going back to the very thing that Christ died for.

John Calvin on the cross of Christ: 6 quotes from the great Reformer
Much of Calvin's writing wasn't sharp-edged controversy at all, but deeply insightful commentary on Gospel truths.

'My identity is in Jesus Christ.' The Archbishop of Canterbury talks to Krish Kandiah
It didn't matter that there was no mitre, no bishop's crook. Here was a man dressed in the humility of Jesus, who found his identity in Christ not in his clothes, his DNA or his position. All of the Spring Harvest guests left the venue that day a little closer to God.

3 things every Christian needs to do when they're feeling defeated
Have you ever been at a point in your life where you did your best but your best wasn't good enough? Like you gave it a hundred percent effort, but the results were a jaw-dropping fail?

2 reasons Christians should never dabble in the occult
This is one line that shouldn't be crossed - ever.

3 pieces of advice for all those looking for the perfect spouse
Don't you just wish to be married to the perfect spouse? I know you do.

3 spiritual lessons from the world's fastest zip-wire
So there I am, suspended horizontally face down in a harness, swaying in the wind several hundred feet above a precipitate cliff drop, as a voice behind me says, 'Three, two, one â go!'

Why God's sovereignty does not make him responsible for tragedy
Things happen to us that we don't understand and can't control. We look for someone to blame. If it's God, or the gods, it's somehow more bearable.