Huawei Mate 9 specs, price news: Big drop in price on Amazon, features similar to Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Those who are looking for an alternative to the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 have to look no further than the Huawei Mate 9.
Praising God in everything: Horatius Bonar, pastor and hymn writer
One of the great 19th century hymn writers was Horatius Bonar, who died on this day in 1889.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 specs: Bigger screen plus a stronger voice app to rival Siri, new battery put to the test
Samsung's upcoming flagship phone is slated for release this August.
7 ways to help your children encounter God this summer
I love the summer holidays, and remember as a child those long lazy days paddling in streams, flying kites and building dens made of sticks.
Shining light or shrinking violet: Did Jesus contradict himself?
There's a puzzle at the heart of Christian living: are good deeds meant to be public â a living light to the world â or purely private, as hidden and humble as can be? Jesus seems to have said both. Did Christ contradict himself?
Can science prove Christian meditation works?
'Wellness tourism', as trips to religious and secular retreats are called, is growing twice as fast as overall tourism, according to the Global Wellness Institute.
10 calamities that took place on the Jewish fast day of Tisha B'Av
Monday night sees the start of the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, known in Hebrew as Tisha B'Av (the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av).
Have you stopped dreaming? Here are 5 Bible verses to encourage you to dream again
If you've stopped dreaming, it is likely that you've also lost the drive to live life vigorously and with much enjoyment.
Will we be able to recognize Jesus when He returns? Yes, says pastor and here's how
It's an intriguing idea: if Jesus were walking around among us, how would we know it was Jesus?
Researchers uncover the creepy personality trait that psychopaths have in common
Would you know how to spot a psychopath if there was one next to you? Researchers in Hong Kong think they've uncovered a key characteristic that gives them away - but it's creepy.
Who was the meanest man in the Bible?
There are plenty of examples of really good people in the Bible, and plenty of examples of wicked ones. But there's only one who's described as just plain mean.
Biblical Canaanite descendants are still living in Lebanon, say geneticists
The descendants of the biblical Canaanites are still living in Lebanon today, according to a new genetic study.
God can sometimes be silent, but he is never absent: Brian Houston talks to Christian Today
'Our focus is not on "celebrity" in our services. It is on Jesus... Justin [Bieber], like many others, is in church to strengthen his faith and to worship Jesus. A young man under huge pressure desiring to build a better foundation into his life.'
Brian Houston, Hillsong pastor and founder, reflects on God's unlimited love
The name of Jesus can unleash power in your life unlike anything you've ever experienced. It can open doors, close wounds, and reveal a path across the waters of a wind-tossed sea. His name allows us to burst beyond the limitations of our own names and our own abilities.
Proof of the afterlife? Scientists find near-death experiences have three things in common
Scientists have a clearer idea of the afterlife after a study into 154 people who had near death experiences.