Samsung Galaxy S9, S9 Plus release date, specs rumors: Possible launch in spring 2018 plus faster connection and better fingerprint sensors?
People are already buzzing about the models that are next in line for Samsung's S series, which might be released in spring of 2018. The upcoming phones might just be the fastest smartphones in the world to date, too.
Young Christian couple who met doing missionary work die in tragic car crash one day after their wedding
Austin Wesson and his 19-year-old wife Rebekah Bouma exchanged vows on Friday and were tragically killed less than 24 hours later when the vehicle they were travelling in hit a tree near Clearwater, Kansas.
Apple iPhone 7 vs. OnePlus 5 camera, specs, price review: Similar design but different in color ranges, modes of photography
Ever since the launch of both the Apple iPhone 7 and the OnePlus 5, people have started to compare the two because of its similar features.
'Comfort ye, my people': How Isaiah's words speak to Jews today
After the destruction of the two Temples commemorated last week on Tisha B'Av through fasting and prayer, Jewish people now embark on the Seven Haftorahs of Consolation.
Accountability: Why We Need Other Believers To Experience Freedom From Struggles
One of the most important ways that accountability applies is in the area of changing sinful patterns.
Looking for a spouse: it's ok to date, just don't date everyone in your church
It's never right to go around and date everybody in the church.
Samsung Galaxy S9 release date, specs, and features: Possible launch in 2018; the fastest smartphone to date?
Apart from the possible release in 2018, should the rumors be true, then the S9 will be the fastest Samsung Galaxy model to date.
Hope: 4 key passages from the New Testament to give us courage in dark times
Hope acknowledges just how bad the world can be, and even so chooses to believe that things can, and will, be better.
3 reasons to believe God's promises for you
Some believers find it hard to believe these would come true. Maybe because some of them hoped it would come at a certain time, or perhaps it simply didn't manifest the way they expected.
Can business and ministry go together?
The word "ministry" came from the greek word "diakoneo" which means "to serve," or the word "duoleuo," which means "to serve as a slave."
Counting the cost: Why I'm (mostly) glad to be a clergy child
People often ask me about the 'cost' of ministry. As the daughter of not one but two vicars, I'm never sure what answer they expect.
How do you beat Christian Festival High Syndrome?
Every year, usually by the time the new school term had begun, those feelings of surety and passion had all but dissipated. This was Christian Festival High Syndrome â and I was a recurring sufferer.
Samsung Galaxy X foldable phone specs, release date news: Launch in 2019, features dual 4K displays
It is safe to say that Samsung is taking their mobile devices to another level, as they have plans to work a smartphone that is not only new, but also bendable and foldable.
Christian mom whose arm was bitten off by shark during Bahamas snorkeling trip says the 'peace of the Lord was so strong'
Tiffany Johnson had a terrifying fight with a shark but cried out to Jesus to save her and when He did, she said the peace was like nothing she'd ever felt before.
'The Lord is their refuge': 7 Bible verses about the poor
The Bishop of Burnley has said that the Church of England's approach to mission is 'almost entirely focused on the needs and aspirations of the wealthy'. So what does the Bible say about the poor?