How to love yourself - according to the Bible
We can roll our eyes at self-help phrases like 'love yourself' but too many Christians are able to love their neighbors and forgive all their sins, yet not feel able to apply the same mercy and grace to themselves. This is wrong. Here are four things you need to do if that sounds like you.
Warning! You are not as spiritually strong as you think!
It all happened so quickly. I had let Christ down even before I had stopped to think about it.
As the Premier League returns, is God a sports fan?
The competition and the camaraderie point to who we are as created beings...
Christian parents celebrate 4th birthday of little girl doctors didn't think would survive even 7 months
When their baby Brielle turned six months old, Ryan and Candace Burr threw a party to celebrate because doctors told them their little girl wasn't going to live to see her first birthday. Despite all the predictions of doctors, Brielle just keeps going
iOS 11 release date, features rumors: New iOS up for fall launch; introduction of augmented reality in apps, games
As the launch of the iOS 11 approaches in the fall, Apple has released details to let iOS users know what to expect.
Christian mom of 19-year-old bride killed one day after her wedding says she feels a 'joy that is unexplainable'
Christian teenagers Austin Wesson and Rebekah Bouma were tragically killed in a car crash just one day after getting married. Rebekah's mom Rachel takes comfort in knowing they are in Heaven together with their Savior.
Christian woman who lived as a man for 10 years reacts to transgender man giving birth to baby boy: 'It's a real tragedy'
Today, Laura Perry is a happy Christian woman but not so long ago she was living as a transgender man called 'Jake.' She feels 'sad' when she sees 'pregnant men' having babies.
'Welcome to our church': It's a lot harder than you think
It's a standard bit of Christianese and surely every congregation ought to be able to sign up to it â especially nowadays, when getting people to attend at all is a bit of a struggle.
Archaeologists find workshop where jars from the Wedding Banquet at Cana were made
Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a 2,000 year old stone vessel workshop with possible links the Gospel story of Jesus and the wedding at Cana. The finding also provides new evidence about the centrality of ritual purity to Galilean Jews in the time of Christ.
Should Christians drink alcohol?
The person who consumes alcohol walks a very fine line between freedom and sin, responsibility and carelessness, liberty and abuse
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 specs, release date news: Device sports two rear cameras, faster battery charging, bigger memory
As the grand unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 approaches, more and more details regarding the newest phone-tablet hybrid are slowly surfacing.
Why does God allow some people to be born handicapped? Billy Graham gave a great answer
The evangelist gave a surprising answer to this really difficult question.
What are demons and how do they operate? Christian exorcist explains
Father Robert also shared the one thing that is absolutely 'to be avoided at all costs' to prevent demon possession.
Can your church adopt a care home? How elderly people are gaining friends via this Christian charity
There are 17,500 care homes across the UK and over 50,000 churches. Our vision is to see every care home adopted by a local church with trained volunteers befriending and supporting residents.
Android Nougat 7.1 update rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 Plus in a few weeks? Daydream support on its way
The newest Android Nougat update will be arriving to Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus in a few weeks, plus the Daydream support will also start coming in now.