What does the Bible say about being a mom and going to work?
Is it wrong to be a Christian, a mom and go out to work each day?
Scientists have figured out how often kitchen sponges need to be replaced and that boiling them doesn't work
Scientists warn they're so icky, even boiling them won't help. They just need to be replaced.
Men haunted by regret after abortion speak of 'deep scars' and feeling punished 'even if they're not religious'
Even the men who wanted their girlfriends to abort their babies said they feel guilt years after it happened.
3 reasons I'm not an atheist (and I'm still a Christian)
For more than 10 years I've been hosting a radio and podcast show called Unbelievable? that brings Christians and non-believers together to ask tough questions of each other.
Making a splash: Methodist minister baptises 16-month-old toddler in the sea
A Methodist minister surprised holidaymakers this week when she baptised a baby in the sea at Weymouth beach.
5 Bible verses for when you feel like you are becoming a worldly Christian
If you feel like your faith is being watered down and you're in danger of losing your heart to the world, these verses will help you get back to a godly, Christ-centered faith.
Scientists discover the one food people should eat to feel less stressed and anxious - but you might not like it!
Researchers at the University of Victoria have found the best kind of food to eat to lower feelings of anxiety and stress but this love or hate food might have you running for the hills.
Satanist leader abandons Luciferian church he founded to get baptized after becoming a born again Christian
Jacob McKelvy was so wrapped up in Satanism that he helped to start a Luciferian church in Texas. But that all ended when he found Jesus and declared all Satanic ties broken by the blood of Jesus during his baptism this year.
A gift from God: 7 Bible verses about rest
A change in the rhythm of our lives is good for us. We can, at times, relax and indulge ourselves a little without feeling guilty about it.
Time, gentlemen: Group of priests get turned away from pub after being mistaken for stag party
It was, for a moment, no joke on Saturday when the group of Catholic seminarians was initially refused service at the City Arms pub in Cardiff after visiting the drinkerie to celebrate the ordination of one of their number.
Faith, works and a way out of the guilt trap
Give your money, your time, your expertise, your spare room, give until you bleed, spend yourself until you are used up and even then keep giving. Otherwise your declarations of faith are empty words.
How is the Hebrew Bible different from the Christian Old Testament?
I once encountered a tourist who wanted to buy a Bible from the Holy Land and after learning I was a believer and had lived here for many years, he began to ask my opinion.
Creating a buzz: choir of 50,000 bees to perform in concert at Coventry Cathedral for World Mental Health Day
A choir of 50,000 bees will be among performers at a special concert to be held at Coventry Cathedral in October tocelebrate World Mental Health Day.
Jesus-centered marriage: how to help your spouse get closer to God
Godly, Jesus-centered marriages are characterized by spouses helping each other get closer to God.
Christian men who date and marry outside the church explain why they chose an unbeliever over a believer
Even though the Bible clearly instructs that Christians are supposed to marry other Christians, some choose to go against that teaching. These men explained why.