What can we learn from Jesus taking the place of Barabbas?
Jesus was the one who received the beatings, the sufferings, and the death on the cross. Barabbas, on the other hand, was given another chance to live right.
Why is it important to know that Jesus is the Son of God?
Our salvation comes only by way of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Unless we believe in Him, we will never be saved, will never be freed from sin, and will never have a relationship with God.
Turkey sets US Pastor Andrew Brunson's trial for April
A trial date has been set for imprisoned American Pastor Andrew Brunson, who has spent 17 months in detention in Turkey over allegations of espionage and links with a terror group.
UK Supreme Court rejects appeal to continue life support for terminally ill baby Alfie Evans
The parents of a terminally ill baby were denied permission to appeal their case to the U.K. Supreme Court in an effort to continue life support for their 22-month-old child.
NCAA March Madness' newest MVP is a 98-year-old nun from Chicago's Loyola Ramblers
Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt, the Loyola Rambler's the team chaplain, offers more than prayers to the athletes, as she knows her basketball stuff really well.
Pilgrimage to Jerusalem makes it onto National Geographic's list of top 14 travel destinations for spring
Jerusalem joins the list of Best Spring Trips for 2018 along with Fogo Island Inn in Canada, Svalbard in Norway and the Upper Amazon in Peru, among others.
3 Bible verses for when you feel rejected by everyone around you
Rejection may be very painful and even life-stunting, but its effects can be arrested and stopped by the grace of God. The wounds it inflicts on its victims might be painful and ugly, but these wounds can be healed by God's great love.
How and why did Jesus rise from the dead?
Christ rose from the grave to show that God is supreme over all. He has conquered sin and death, and there's nothing that is more powerful than Him.
3 things we would never have realized about God if Jesus hadn't resurrected from the dead
Since Jesus perfectly showed who God really is with His life, we are also given an opportunity to see how great and awesome our God and Father is through His death and resurrection.
What we can learn about angels from Jesus' encounter in Gethsemane
Angels are seen in different times in the Bible. They are also seen in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
University reinstates conservative student who was banned for saying there are only 2 genders
The Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) is allowing a conservative student to return to class after being temporarily banned from a religious studies course for expressing his belief that there are only two genders.
Palm Sunday worship: 8 Bible verses about praise
On Sunday, Christians all over the world will celebrate the coming of Christ to Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday.
The King in our midst: A prayer for Palm Sunday
It's an anniversary of terror, but a revelation of humble glory too. How would you pray on Palm Sunday?
Ecclesiastes 7: Which is better, a party or a funeral?
it is at the extremes of life that we often discover truth, meaning and purpose.
3 Bible verses for when you feel confused and don't know what to do
God has given us the tools that we need in order to know what we should be doing and actually do it. With Him there's no confusion.