3 resurrection facts that will comfort you in times of distress and sadness
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ brings such comfort and hope to all who believe in Him. The hope it brings is, in fact, so big that it allows us to hope for life beyond the grave.
3 things all married Christian couples need every now and then
Marriage is very important. Every married couple should give all that they have to make their marriage into how God wanted it to be: a union that shows the character and love of Christ.
Why did the chief priests bribe the soldiers guarding Jesus' tomb?
Matthew 28:11-15 gives us a very intriguing account, one that we should all look into. In this passage we read the religious leaders of Jerusalem doing something noteworthy: They bribed the soldiers that guarded the tomb of Christ.
Why did Judas betray Jesus?
We don't know how long he had been with Jesus, but the core group of disciples seems to have been long-established. Something caused him to turn on Jesus right at the end.
If the Holy Spirit is the one bearing His fruit in me, why doesn't it happen immediately?
It's because we need to cooperate with Him and submit to Him in order to see His fruit borne in us: a Christ-like character.
One effective way to help you let go of the problems that hinder you
Looking at the predicaments of others, and coming to their aid with the love of God will allow us to live the life God wants for us, problems and all.
3 things we can learn from Joseph's dreams
When God gives a dream, it's always beyond us. It'll always be bigger than us, simply because it's from God.
3 Biblical ways to develop patience
Christ is the perfect model of patience. God wants us to be like Him, and the more we become Christ-like the more we will have patience: over ourselves, our families, our friends, the people we don't know, and even the people who hate us.
Why it is good for Christians to have an accountability partner in life
One of the most important and valuable things that having a close and healthy relationship brings is accountability. When we have trustworthy friends acting as our accountability partners, we will have something that's very invaluable to our Christian walk.
3 ways we break the tenth commandment
God's commandments are very precious. By them we know His righteousness and the very high standards that He has. We get to know just how holy and righteous our God is through them.
Over 4,000 Christian families return to Mosul following victory against ISIS
More than 4,000 displaced Christian families have returned to Mosul since the city was fully liberated from Islamic State militants, the governor of the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh said.
What can we learn from the time Jesus walked with two men to Emmaus?
Christ Himself joins us as we walk, but sometimes we don't take notice of Him. I pray we'll all recognize Him (see John 10:27).
The crucifixion and the widow's mite: Mark 12 and the journey to the cross
In his last few days on earth, Jesus debated with some of the finest theological minds of the time.
What happened between Palm Sunday and Good Friday?
One of the things anyone notices about the Gospels is that they each tell the story of Jesus' Passion in their own way, and that it's very difficult to square the chronologies.
Hero or heretic? 9 quotes from Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart is regarded as one of the forerunners of the Reformation.