3 things that can hinder us from being an effective ambassador for Christ
As God's children in Christ, we are made as His ambassadors, a people who would bring Christ to people around the world. What are some things that can stop us from doing this, and how do we deal with them?
3 ways Christian couples can prevent divorce
Divorce is a common thing in many nations nowadays, destroying the lives of many husbands, wives, and children left in its wake. Here are some ways Christian couples can prevent it from happening.
3 signs you have an orphan spirit oppressing you
Many Christians today do not know that they are already oppressed by what is called and "orphan spirit."
Stumbling blocks to emotional healing in your Christian walk - and what to do about them
In this article we're going to take a look at some stumbling blocks that hinder our emotional healing, and then we'll talk about how we can do away with them in order to be healed.
'I'm just happy that she survived': The sermon the cab driver preached to the vicar
Sometimes speaking to someone you don't know is hugely helpful especially if, perhaps, that person is wearing a dog collar on the way to a radio studio.
3 ways to make sure you understood God's Word right
Every Christian who desires to know God and live according to His Word should know how to understand it. Here are three ways to do that.
The one thing that will allow Christians to do great things for God
There is one thing that will motivate us to do great things for Him.
What made Abraham's faith different?
Abraham didn't know God. He came from a people who worshipped different gods. There were no Christian missionaries who could preach to him and introduce him to God. Yet he was able to hear God and believe Him.
What can we learn from a couple named Priscilla and Aquila?
Priscilla and Aquila, a couple Paul met during his missionary journeys, are a great example of how Christian couples should be.
What can we learn from Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8?
Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian official in Acts 8 gives us very important lessons regarding our Christian lives, particularly our obedience to God and what the Lord wants to do through us.
3 things to learn from John the Baptist
John the Baptist was a remarkable man who, despite the greatness he was destined for, merely considered himself a servant of God. We ought to learn from him.
Tennessee House approves bill requiring display of 'In God We Trust' motto in public schools
The Tennessee House of Representatives has approved a bill that would require public schools to prominently display the national "In God We Trust" motto in public schools.
J.K. Rowling draws criticism from Harry Potter fans for liking tweet describing transgender people as 'men in dresses'
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has sparked outrage from her fans after she "liked" a tweet that referred to transgender individuals as "men in dresses."
What is Palm Sunday and why is it important?
Palm Sunday should be one of the more important days in our calendars every year. This day, celebrated the Sunday before Easter Sunday, reminds us of the time when Christ was about to suffer and die on the cross for our sins, and be resurrected three days later.
'The Exorcist' director explores real-life exorcisms in 'The Devil and Father Amorth' documentary
Director William Friedkin witnessed Father Gabriel Amorth exorcising a woman for the ninth time in 2016.