3 things that every Christian husband should establish in themselves
In order to achieve success in every endeavor in the Lord, every Christ-following husband should establish a few things in himself. These things ensure that he will do what is right, avoid what is wrong, and keep his eyes focused on what God wants him to do.
One thing that will surely happen whenever we encounter God
While God's presence does bring feelings of joy and happiness to all who rest in Him, these are not the only emotions we can feel when we're with Him in His presence.
Who is Naboth and what can we learn from his tragic experience?
We might feel angry at God for allowing bad people to do bad things to us, but the truth is that God is good, and that He's not our enemy. He's watching us closely and is taking note of all that happens to us. Naboth's tragic experience teaches this to us.
How should married Christian men deal with women who flirt with them?
As God's people, every married Christian man should keep in mind that there's a battle for everything that God has in store for them.
Why is it necessary for us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance?
Just like how human life is evidenced by a newborn baby who grows up into adulthood, being saved and born-again is evidenced by a changed life and a change in desires that is geared towards Christ-likeness.
Can I be a Christian and yet doubt some parts of the Bible?
We become believers in Christ only by faith. If we doubt the Word's authenticity, who are we to say that we believe in Him?
How Christian women can be great wives
If you're married, ask yourself if you've been a good wife to your husband. If you're single, ask yourself if you'll make a good wife someday. If you're completely unsure, the Bible will help guide your path to being a great Christian wife today or in the future.
Why the Palm Sunday crowd really spread their cloaks on the ground
Can even preachers who never learned Greek, or have forgotten what they did know, use the tools of real scholarship in their Easter preparation?
5 best Bible stories to share with your children
As Christian parents, you have the duty to share the Gospel with your children. The Bible is a book filled with amazing stories of God, and it's a good idea to give your kids a head start in falling in love with this book as they grow up.
Nintendo Switch system update 5.0.0 includes a number of additional features
The new Nintendo Switch system update 5.0.0 may not be bringing big changes to the console, but it does include some additions and fixes that Nintendo users may find useful.
Boy bites pope
Pope Francis is quite used to unscheduled encounters in his travels and usually takes them in his stride.
Ecclesiastes 6: Out of the shadows, into the life
In this week's Ecclesiastes passage Solomon reflects further on what we can see, taste and feel all around us every day
Angels unawares: How should we welcome visitors to church?
Some churches go the whole hog, with greeters, information desks, cards in the pews and follow-up visits. Others go to the other extreme, conveying an atmosphere like the lonely pub in An American Werewolf in London, where every eye swivels toward the hapless visitor/victim.
5 Great Christian Apps for Your Daily Devotion
The smartphone is indeed one of the best technological innovations of our time, and it will be in your best interest to use it a tool to continue your walk with God â wherever you are and whatever time of day it is.
What we get wrong about the story of Zacchaeus
It's a classic story of repentance, and we like that. Only it isn't, not quite.