Rob James
The life of faith is full of surprises
Don't let anyone persuade you that being a Christian is dull - my experience has shown me that the very opposite is true.
Lessons for Boris from King David
A lot of people are angry, a lot of people hurting, and our trust in what our politicians tell us is wearing thin at a time when it is needed most.
A happy Covid new year?
I pray you will know peace and joy as you move on into yet another challenging year.
How a storybook is helping children trapped in exploitation
Despite the pandemic, the tragedy of modern day slavery continues, and sadly many of its victims are children.
What can the Bible teach us about resilience?
There's a word used often in the Book of Revelation that can teach us something about what it means to be resilient.
Lessons from the book of Revelation in our increasingly anti-Christian culture
Revelation has a great deal to say to a church that is facing persecution and opposition.
British politics is in need of some salt
I wonder what would happen if every Christian MP and every peer stood up and declared they are no longer willing to accept the kind of politics that refuses to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The Church must address the racism in its midst but there is some good news too
The Church must be cleansed of racism, of that I am in no doubt, but it would be tragic if we threw the baby out with the filthy bath water.
Choosing our sphere of influence
The world desperately needs what we have to share.
Lessons for the Christian from the life of Prince Philip
The nation has been reflecting on the life of Prince Philip in the days since his death and there is much we as Christians can learn!
Lessons in hope from the Emmaus Road
Jesus' crestfallen followers changed dramatically when they encountered Him unexpectedly on the road to Emmaus. The same can happen to us today.
Jesus' victory over death remains our steadfast hope
Jesus has given us a glimpse of God's future and it is going to be infinitely better than anything we experience at the moment.