Rob James
What's the most precious thing in your life?
It's worth asking questions like this when everything is in total upheaval.
If you're struggling to find hope, remember what God has already done
God seems to work in unexpected ways.
We all miss our churches, but closing them for now is the sensible thing to do
We naturally struggle when we can't visit those familiar places where we have encountered God in the past.
When things get tough, it's important to remember what God has done for us
Holy Week is an annual reminder that God loves us in a way our tiny minds can hardly imagine.
We may be living through a pandemic, but we have so much to be thankful for
The book of Psalms is a powerful reminder that joy and sorrow can co-exist.
How to be an encourager in a pandemic
Encouragement doesn't take too much effort. All it demands is a bit of thoughtfulness.
Self-isolation can be a God-given opportunity, if we let it
If we are prevented from doing the things we normally do, we should start thinking creatively, and use the time we have been given in other ways, ways that reinforce our own health but also demonstrate our care for others.
Wouldn't it be good if someone said that Christians were different?
Trevor Phillips is in trouble for saying Muslims are different. I can't help thinking that Jesus would be delighted if something like this was said about His followers.
The Celtic church has something to teach us about evangelism in the 21st century
In recent times churches have tended to welcome people into their churches only after they have responded positively to their message. The Celts had a very different approach.
What Boris Johnson can learn from 1 Peter 3:15
Boris Johnson seems to be doing all he can to not expose himself to rigorous questioning by the media.
Wherever there is supernatural healing or power, there is also temptation
If God uses us, it's because of His grace and not our merits.
An apparent crisis can also be an opportunity for staggering self-sacrifice
As stories emerge of heroic doctors in coronavirus-hit Wuhan, I was reminded of the way the early church reacted to similar medical scares.