Rob James
Is Jesus really with us?
'Immanuel' is a reminder then that we can trust God when things are not going the way we would like them to.
Does Christmas really need saving?
Apparently Boris Johnson has "saved" Christmas. Perhaps Christmas does need 'saving', but not in the way the tabloids suggest.
Donald, you're fired
Will he, or won't he? Will he finally give up and graciously admit defeat or will he continue to undermine the foundations of American democracy by continuing to stoke up political and racial tensions?
The wisdom in Philippians that can help us get through another lockdown
It's not for no reason that the Bible teacher William Barclay once declared Philippians the "loveliest letter that Paul ever wrote."
The comfort - and challenge - in the Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer poses a very important question from the very outset: do we really want people to honour God's name rather than use it as a swear word for example? If we do, we need to live in such a way that we will inspire them to do so.
The Church should be wary of identifying too closely with any politician or party
It surely betrays a lack of faith to suggest that the Church needs to be defended by any human being, however powerful he or she might be.
We can still worship God even if our church doors are locked
We can worship the God who loves us by doing what we can to care for others on a daily basis.
Christians as much as anyone else need to listen to those they disagree with
It is both arrogant and unloving to assume we have a complete grasp of the truth and have nothing to learn from others.
Boris Johnson's Brexit plan will have a corrosive effect on our society
Brazen attempts to justify law-breaking will only add to the current sense of cynicism and encourage ordinary people to think they can bend the rules too.
God is still God of the unexpected
Despite all of the chaos around us this year, God is still performing miracles and doing the unexpected.
Some Christian jargon we can do without, but 'conversion' is not one of them
The concept of 'conversion' may not be politically correct, and it certainly jars in a culture that hates to cause offence. But get rid of conversion and you emasculate the Christian faith.
Yes, Biden could 'hurt God', but not in the way Trump thinks
We can all break God's heart, not just Joe Biden.