Rob James
Trump's impeachment and the dangers of making the evidence fit
There are parallels between the partisan Trump impeachment process and how some atheists approach the evidence for God.
Lessons in hope from a dark moment in history
The Holocaust is a chilling reminder that while some human beings can behave pretty appallingly, others can prove incredibly resilient and unbelievably courageous.
By all means support Trump, but don't worship him
Trump may be president, but he's not Jesus.
Mary's obedience in carrying the baby Jesus has so much to teach us
It's worth remembering that if you are a Christian, challenge is par for the course. Mary certainly reminds us of that.
God will still be God, whenever and however we choose to leave the European Union
Whatever your political allegiance though, you have to admit Boris' victory will have the commentators and historians talking for decades. I just hope his trade talks with the European Commission don't last that long.
After horrific terror attacks, it's tempting to hate but we must love
The latest London killings are clear proof that the church desperately needs to promote the Christian understanding of what it means to be human.
Playing into the devil's hands?
I have serious doubts about whether opposition to Donald Trump is, as some have suggested, the result of "demonic" influence.
Stuck in the past or excited about the future?
When I look at Jesus I don't just see what I should be like. I see what I will be like
A word of encouragement to keep fighting the good fight
There is no guarantee that we will see the fruit of our labours this side of death of course. That's why it's good to be a Christian: our hopes are not limited to this life.
To vote or not to vote?
I have reluctantly reached the conclusion that I cannot entertain voting Conservative while Boris Johnson is party leader. But I find that I am unable to support any of the other parties either.
When God doesn't make sense
The tragic deaths of the A Rocha leaders in South Africa last week have reminded me of one of my most valued books. Written by Dr James Dobson, the title seems to say it all: "When God Doesn't Make Sense".
A lesson for Brexit Britain from William Wilberforce
After depressing developments in the excruciating Brexit saga, I've found it helpful to return to the story of William Wilberforce.