Patrick Mabilog
How The Word 'Hallelujah' Will Make Your Day A Lot Brighter
Speaking in a way that declares the praises and thankfulness we have towards God has extreme power that can change our speech, thoughts and actions. Here are three of the many ways that praises changes us.
5 Things Christians Should Stop Saying About Parenting
Here are five things that Christians should stop saying about parenting.
What Made The Wise Solomon Miss Out On God's Best?
If Solomon was so wise, why did he make the not-so-smart decision of turning away from God, starting the downward spiral of the kingdom of Israel?
Why Is Being A Hypocrite Such A Big Deal To God?
We all know hypocrisy is a serious problem, but we don't usually think of it as a problem that we personally have. We like to think that the hypocrites are all the other Christians in the church.
5 Dating Myths Christians Really Shouldn't Believe In
There are some unhelpful ideas out there can even make the Christian dating process stressful, when it should really be a time of great excitement and enjoyment as you seek to work out God's will with another human being.
5 Spiritual Mistakes That Are Sure To Extinguish Your Passion For God
If we want to keep loving God and loving others, the call to keep our passion for God burning should always be pursued. Here are five mistakes that we make that stop that pursuit and end up extinguishing our passion for God.
3 Tips To Confirm If Something You're Planning Is God's Will Or Just Your Own
Sometimes a plan or strategy might not be of God and we should learn to discern whether it is or isn't. Here are three questions to help us do that.
US Election: Take Heart Voters, Jesus Has MUCH Bigger Plans Than Political Change
It's difficult to face the prospect of someone we oppose on biblical grounds coming to power, but the Bible has something incredibly reassuring to say to all those troubled by this year's US presidential election.
4 Faith-Building Promises For When You Hit Rock Bottom
Have you ever felt like you've hit rock bottom - bankruptcy, ministry failure, career confusion, relational dysfunction? Here are four faith building promises to claim when you feel like you've hit rock bottom.
When We Reject Jesus: What We Can Learn From Peter's Biggest Failure
Rejecting Jesus is not something we can be proud of, yet at times it's exactly what we do. It's something that reduced the tough, courageous disciple Peter to tears. But thankfully, there's a lot we can learn from how he picked himself back up after this failure.
The One Thing That Could Be Keeping Your Kids Disinterested With Church
There's one thing that we could be doing to make our kids disinterested in church without even being aware of it.
What Nobody Told You About The Parable of The Mustard Seed
One of the parables Jesus shared compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed, which gives us so much insight into the kingdom of God. Here are a few that you might not have heard before.