Patrick Mabilog
5 Ways to Honour God With Your Work
When done excellently, with the right heart and with the motive of bringing value to others, we will consequently bring God the highest praise in the workplace no matter what vocation you might be in. Here are five ways that we can honour God with our work.
4 Reasons Accountability Matters to Husbands and Wives
When we build accountability with other fellow believers and with our spouses, it brings about four things that strengthen trust: transparency, humility, collaboration and authenticity. Here are how these four things bring value to our marriage.
Why Does God Bless Some People More Than Others?
In God's lavish goodness, He still gives us His blessings. Others might receive more while some others receive less. But that's not the point. A true heart aligned with God's will seek His kingdom, not the things added unto us.
4 Acceptable Reasons to Limit a Relationship
Whether it's a romantic relationship, friendship or working relationship, you are not indebted to it.
How to Hear the Voice of God in a Noisy and Fast-Paced World
Sometimes we find God in the same way the prophet Elijah found Him â a small voice through the fire and winds. But through the noise we knew it was God's voice, but we just can't make enough out of it.
4 Considerations Before Interacting on Social Media
Here are four considerations before taking that chance to post, tweet, share, or comment on social platforms.
Finding Unity in Diversity: How Can We Be United When We Voted Different?
There's never been a more important time to be one. It's time to set aside our differences in opinion, beliefs, political party and vote and strive to be one in going the same direction.
6 Things 30-Something Christians Should Be Doing By Now
Here are six things that 30 something Christians should be doing by now.
When You Are More Comfortable With Lies Than Truth, Don't Be Surprised If You Get Hurt
Nowadays, people will often bend towards the positive, feeding off praises, encouragements and motivation. However, when faced with painful truths, most people would not always be as open.
Have You Ever Been Rejected? Let God Reaffirm You
No matter what size or form rejection comes in, rejection is rejection. It hurts us emotionally and can sometimes even leave marks on the soul that go on much longer than we'd like.
3 Important Lessons We Can Learn From the Life of Elijah
Behind the story of Elijah is really a message of God's undeniable power even in the midst of the darkness of this world. Here are three important lessons from the life of Elijah that are still true today.
Why God Doesn't Solve All Our Problems Even Though We Never Fail to Tithe
God never promises storm-free living to anyone, not even to obedient tithers.