Patrick Mabilog
Burn-Out On Can Happen On The Way Up But It Can Also Happen When You Get There: Here's How You Can Prevent It
God's rest is also available to anyone and everyone who calls upon His name and we are to seek His rest as much as we seek His success.
Why Is Worrying A Sin?
We can often view anxiety as harmless, or worse even helpful. In its purest and most honest form, we are to take worry for what it really is - a deadly sin. But why is worry a sin?
3 Small Mindset Changes That Will Get You Out Of Any Trap
Here are some small mindset adjustments you can make today that will get you unstuck and moving once more in the straight paths of God.
3 Marriage Lessons From Abraham and Sarah
It's been said that a man who can follow God into war but not follow God's commands on marriage is set up for the biggest failure.
You Have More Control Over Your Thoughts Than You Think
Thought patterns have the power to affect our actions and consequently our legacy either for better or for worse depending on what thoughts we allow to flourish and what thoughts we take captive.
Why Social Media Will NEVER Replace Face-to-face Interactions
Reading many of Paul's epistles, the apostle expresses numerous times his desire and effort to go beyond just the letters and even meet the members of the early church in the flesh.
5 Things Every Christian Should Be Praying For Every Day
Jesus explained best what His followers should be praying for every day.
3 Reasons Why God Created Us As Creatures That Sleep
Have you ever wondered why God created us to spend almost a third of our lives sleeping? There are some good reasons.
How Can Husbands Love Their Wives Like Christ Loves The Church?
In the Bible, we are given very little privilege and opportunity to portray Christ. One of those rare opportunities is actually given to the husband and is best displayed in the way that He loves His wife.
What's The One Secret to Overcoming Overwhelming Seasons In Your Life?
Life seems to have this knack of getting pretty overwhelming at times. How do we escape the sense of being overwhelmed?
How To Not Miss Out On God's Best For You
Sometimes we can make the mistake of thinking that God's best is out there, but the fact is that we are now experiencing God's best.
3 Attacks From Satan Christians Must Always Be On Their Guard Against
In the physical, we may not be experiencing much conflict. But in the spiritual, we are all at war.