Patrick Mabilog
What If I Can't Persevere Through the Tests of Life?
What if you're not the kind of person who perseveres? Maybe you want to stand strong in trial, but you just find yourself quitting easily.
Oneness in Marriage: How Jesus Answers the Need for Restoration of Unity
What breaks oneness in a marriage is not our differences. What breaks oneness in marriage is the lack of intimacy with God.
3 Promises for the Spiritually Starved
We need to stay away from spiritual starvation, and the good news is that God is just as vigilant and wary about making sure our spirits are fed. Here are three promises that God gives to those who may experience spiritual starvation today.
4 Paradoxes of the Christian Faith That Make It Completely Worth Believing In
Here are four paradoxes of the Christian faith that ironically bring more clarity and make our faith truly something worth holding on to.
Meekness Is Not Weakness: Being Strong In Your Gentleness
Meekness is not weakness. We've all probably heard that before, but how is meekness strength?
Why Discipleship Is Something Every Christian Can Be Involved In
Discipleship is most often seen as a job for vocational ministers and people with the freedom of time to do it. In its full essence though, discipleship is something that everyone is called into.
Why Taking Care of Our Bodies Is a Form of Worship to God
A heart aligned to God's will cause us to value health more than food and vanity because when we value the things of God, we show Him how much we value Him as well. And that's what we call worship.
Should I Respect My Husband Even If He Does Things That Are Questionable?
The question seems to pop up quite often: "Should I really respect and submit to my husband all the time? What if my husband is someone who doesn't deserve respect?"
7 Bible Verses to Help You Find Direction Again When You've Gone Off Track
Here are seven Bible scriptures that assure and help you in finding God's direction and will once more if you've lost your way.
5 Ways We Can Get Prayer Wrong - And How We Can Get It Right
Here are five ways that we can complicate prayer and how to bring it back to its original simplicity.
5 Unhealthy Mindsets That Inhibit Your Spiritual Growth
Just like natural growth, spiritual growth can be stunted by wrong mindsets that hold us back from experiencing more of Christ. Here are five unhealthy mindsets that inhibit spiritual growth.
Want to Get Through the Day Without Feeling Fried? Then You'll Need This
We look at overwhelming situations and feel that we're out of ammunition and out of options. But we're not. We always have the option of the grace of God.