Patrick Mabilog
Is God's will and timing always what's good for me?
Trusting in God's timing has got to be one of the most prevalent challenges for believers today. How hard can it be really? It shouldn't be that much of a challenge, should it?
How good character is damaged
Beyond just looking to grow bank accounts, recognition, circles and reputation, we are to desire growth in the area of character.
The one way we've been doing our schedules wrong
Have you ever taken a look at your work schedule or to-do list and just felt overwhelmed by the mountains that you have to climb on a daily basis in your profession?
5 destructive fruits that gossip brings
Gossip can be extremely destructive and detrimental to any form of relationship. Whether it be professional or casual, a relationship fails to grow and may even die if plagued by the occurrence of gossip.
Living out the overflow: What is your heart abounding in?
To live in the outflow of God's goodness is, at its very core, the most "Christian" thing that can be done. When we live life according to our own strength, our own passions and our own abilities, it won't be long until everything konks out on us.
5 pieces of evidence that Jesus rose from the dead
To Christians, Jesus's death, burial and resurrection is central to our faith, so it's always a good time to reflect more on what God's redemptive work means to us.
4 misconceptions about Christian courtship
Courtship can be an exciting time for Christians who are ready to take the next step into a new season of their lives -- marriage.
How do we know which gospel to hold onto?
The church pulpits today are filled with many gospels. A prosperity gospel, a hyper-grace gospel, a gospel of works. Then there are outside forces putting in gospels of Judas and gospels of Mary Magdalene. With all of these gospels being thrown at us, how do we know which one to hold on to?
How bitterness and unforgiveness destroy our lives
We often find it easy to think that we have the right to be angry and bitter with people because they deserve it for giving us something that we don't deserve, be it stress, pain or hurt.
Breaking the sense of entitlement in our lives
It can be a significant struggle to battle entitlement in relationships. Marriages, business partnerships, friendships and acquaintances can be affected by entitlement.
'Lord, don't you care?': A lesson from Martha about God's heart
Luke 10:38-42 is a passage that many Christians have heard of -- the story of two sisters. One, whose name was Mary, chose to sit at Jesus's feet, while the other, Martha, chose to scurry through the kitchen.
Office talk: Why 'manic Mondays' are an extension of God's grace
If you've ever heard that popular pop song with the line "It's just another manic Monday," you know what it's like to experience the frantic bustle of the first day of the workweek.