Kay Morgan-Gurr
Churches need to include children with disabilities in their summer events planning
The reasons given for not wanting to have children or young people with additional needs or disabilities on summer activities vary greatly, but usually have a standard theme to them: safety risks, unable to accommodate, they'll spoil it for others, they won't keep up, not enough space or leaders.
Healing or curing: what's the difference and why does it matter?
What comes into most minds when you mention this word is someone jumping out of a wheelchair and dancing, or throwing their crutches away and running around an auditorium. But healing is much more than that.
Christian conferences: they would be so rewarding and fun, if I could just get there
Just getting to a conference can be half the battle - but the other half starts when we get there
Discipleship when reading isn't an option: Why churches need to be aware of sight loss in their congregations
The story of God used to be passed down orally - the tradition of story telling being key to passing on faith when the world had many people who couldn't read or access scripture. But have we lost this tradition in favour of the written word?
The next #MeToo? How the injustices faced by women are multiplied if you're disabled as well
It's well recognised that as a woman you are more at risk of many things â violence, sexual harassment, employment issues, low wages etc. But as a woman with a disability you are much more likely to suffer these injustices.
Is Jesus the answer to depression? Not necessarily
We can end up feeding the wrong belief of many that 'real Christians' don't have mental health problems, don't self harm and certainly don't take their own lives.
Why the 'healing ninjas' are wrong: God shows up in our suffering
Suffering is an anathema today and it seems it no longer has a place in our Christian faith either.
#ThingsDisabledPeopleKnow: Churches aren't good with disability
Tweets included ones like the old chestnut, 'No, praying for me won't make a difference.'
NO. You are not to blame for your mental illness
I often have random strangers come up and offer to pray for me. I also have people tell me I'm either a sinner or harbouring unforgiveness.
A pastor's suicide should be a wake-up call about mental health and ministry
There is another part of me that asks why it should be more shocking for a pastor to take his own life than anyone else.
Disability inclusion: Why it's about more than a ramp
I'm a disabled woman in itinerant ministry. I'm told that I should find any one of those hard, but having the three is just plain greedy.
Godly complaining: What the Bible teaches about how to find fault
Someone muted me on Facebook a while ago. Apparently I was 'complaining' too much.