Kay Morgan-Gurr
Most evangelism still isn't disability inclusive
For disabled people, most 'evangelism' comprises scouring the streets for those who are visibly disabled and asking if they want prayer for healing.
The one weapon to re-balance your soul if coronavirus is leaving you irritated
I'm normally the person who smiles a lot, tries not to complain and is usually very gentle. But now, the things I would normally let pass me by are irritating me.
Every life matters but in a pandemic, do some lives matter more?
In a world where we are learning more about how intensive care units work, about types of ventilators and other treatments for people whose Covid-19 symptoms are worsening, disabled people are worried.
Psalm 46:10 is the perfect Bible verse for the world right now
Most of the world seems to have moved online, making it an even noisier place than it was before (virtually speaking).
Why has it taken a coronavirus pandemic for the church to actually be there for the most vulnerable?
If some churches had listened to the needs of so many sick and disabled people in the past, getting everything in place for a season of social isolation would have been smoother and faster and, in most instances, already in place.
Could we have some more disabled people on TV please?
And not just non-disabled actors taking the part of disabled characters.
Regardless of Jean Vanier's actions, the organisation he founded must not be tarred with the same brush
The work these wonderful communities do is exemplary. Please don't let this revelation detract from that.
Christians attacking parents of disabled children should know better
There are no figures about the level of abuse the parents of children with additional needs and disabilities receive. And these parents do receive a lot, especially online.
For those beginning the new decade in pain or grief, here's a word of encouragement
It's ok to grieve, to look back and say "well, that year was pants".
The Church's enthusiasm to mentor new leaders often doesn't include the disabled
You don't have to be able to see and hear to serve, lead or teach.
The Church needs to be ready to welcome in children living with disability
I see Christians talking about the sanctity of life who then go strangely quiet when it comes to the issue of disability and abortion.
In the midst of a funding crisis, special needs children are not to blame
Two recent articles in The Times have caused many parents a lot of hurt and upset - and that is putting it mildly.