JB Cachila
5 Bible Verses to Encourage You When You're Discouraged
Are you discouraged? Take heart in the fact that God loves you and wants you to have hope in Him. Find refuge in His Word. Here are some verses that will encourage you in your times of discouragement, whatever the reason you feel that way.
Here's a Reason to Believe You Can Overcome Sin
Christ did not die on the cross for us to feel bad about our sinfulness, say sorry, and then go back to our sinful ways because "we're born that way."
One Big Reason Why We Should Not Trust in Our Feelings
Feelings are bad guides. And why is that? It's because our heart cannot be trusted.
Dear Christian, God Loves You Enough to Do This
God is a perfect Father to all His children. If the best earthly fathers, who did what was best for their children, are able to raise good children despite their imperfections, just think how God Himself is able to train us all up to godliness and righteousness. Truly, there's no dad like our Dad.
3 Ways We Water the Gospel Down
True enough, while God and the message of the Gospel do not change, how the latter is communicated by many today lacks the power that it actually possesses. Sadly, this lack causes many people to have the wrong belief that they "believe in God" but don't actually believe Christ.
3 Tips to Discover Your Calling in Life
Learning how to discover your calling in God is a very wonderful thing, albeit tricky for some. To help you discover your calling in God, here are three tips for you.
Why Marriage Is One of the Best Ways to Learn How Much God Loves You
God uses our marriages to show us how much He loved us. Christ, the Groom, is our perfect Lover.
3 Ways to Bring God's Love to Our Neighbours
How do we love our neighbors? By following what the Lord Jesus said. Here are a few ways we can love them with the love that God wants us to love them with.
You Were Born for This One Thing
We were born to do the will of God.
How to Make Sure You Avoid Being a Victim of Fraud in Church
Deception chooses neither its venue nor its audience. It can work in a church as much as it can work in any other place. In fact, the enemy will work harder to deceive those who are in Christ simply because they are in Christ â a truth that Christ Himself spoke of.
Good Things Are Sure to Follow You â If You Do This
All Christians want to be blessed all the time. Do you want to be blessed? Here's how.
The Fall Caused a Rift Between Adam and Eve: Here's How Christ Freed Your Marriage From It
Christ's atoning sacrifice has broken the power of sin over our lives, and has given us the freedom to live for His glory. Let's all learn to press in towards Him and let His love for us empower and encourage us to love our spouses well.