JB Cachila
What to Do Now That Donald Trump Is U.S. President
Donald J. Trump is now the President of the United States of America, long considered as the world's most powerful and influential nation. What should Christians do now?
3 Things Waiting on God Isn't
All of us have been told time and again to learn to "wait upon the Lord." Do we really know what that means?
How to Pray for Those Who Hurt You
All of us have been hurt one way or another. The truth is that hurts will come from any direction and at any time, but whatever hurt we may experience, the Lord Jesus' command remains the same: to pray for those who hurt us.
3 Ways Your Testimony Gives Glory to God
Our personal testimonies about God's goodness is encouraging to ourselves and the people who hear it. Here are some ways your testimony brings glory to God when you release it.
God Promises to Do This to Your Wasted Years
Many of us look back to our life with regret and anguish over the opportunities we lost and the wrong choices we've made. Some of us realise over time that the pursuits we invested ourselves in weren't worth the effort, the relationships we've established weren't true, and the causes we fought for weren't really worth fighting for. Can you relate to this?
3 Wrong Ideas About Marriage
Here are some common wrong ideas singles (and some married couples) have regarding marriage.
'Adulting' in Christ â 3 Ways to Be a Mature and Responsible Christian
Millennials today often use the word "adulting" when they do something that an adult usually does in life. Christian adulting, on the other hand, goes beyond doing what an adult does. Here are some ways you can adult in Christ.
3 Kinds of People You Should Avoid â But Should Keep Praying for
While we are indeed commanded to go and preach the Gospel to all nations, we Christians must realise that it doesn't mean associating ourselves with or having relationships with certain kinds of people. The Bible warns us that there are some people we should stay away from, but should keep praying for.
Should I Be Sorry for Doing What Was Right?
Have you ever stood up for God and did what was right? If ever you had I'm pretty sure you saw those who were happy you did the right thing. I'm also sure you saw some who weren't. Should you be sorry for doing what was right?
How God's Fatherly Love Restores Our Relationship With Our Earthly Fathers
No matter how nonexistent or broken our relationship with our earthly fathers may be, if we are in Christ we are no orphans. Simply because we have a loving Father in heaven, a Father like no other.
One Thing Everyone Needs to Do to Be Successful
You want to be successful? Follow Jesus. He will make you successful.
One Key to Having a Happy, Satisfying Marriage Relationship
A healthy, happy marriage is the product of the combined effort of the husband and his wife. Would you want to have a marriage that is both enjoyable and satisfying?