JB Cachila
God Listens to Your Slightest Whispers
Our God is our very loving Father who knows what we need even without us telling Him. He also knows what we want to say even before we could say anything. All that He wants is for us to pursue Him.
3 Things God Will Require of Us Christians
Each and every one of us on earth will someday stand in front of God and give an account of how we lived on earth.
3 Things to Thank God for This Year
No matter what you went through, the fact that you're reading this article simply shows that God is good to you. He really is.
3 Ways Christians Compromise With Sin
Do you want to be strong in the fight against sin, and avoid compromising? Here are some things you should do.
Why Following Jesus Means Being Ready to Face Rejection
Being a follower of Jesus Christ means being ready to face the world, no matter what it may throw against you. We Christians aren't called to conform to this world and become loved by it. Rather, we're called to be separate from it, a holy people set apart for nothing and no one else but God.
One Important Christmas Lesson We All Need to Know
There's something we all need to know about Christmas: it's both a sad story and a joyful one.
3 Ways God's Hand Works in Your Life
God is our ever-present help in time of trouble, our God who is always actively involved in our personal lives. I'm pretty sure that when we look back to our lives, we'll see Him doing one thing or another so that we would know Him, know that we're loved by Him, and show us that He has a great plan for all of us. And He does that because that's just who He is.
Why You Shouldn't Let Others Define You
Will you base your identity in man's opinion and fail to live the life that God intended for you? Or will you ditch human opinion in favour of God's Word and live in the power of the Spirit who raised Christ from the dead?
What We Can Learn From Joseph This Christmas
Joseph is often put on the side benches whenever people think of the key figures during the first Christmas, but in reality there's so much to learn from this man.
3 Ways to Avoid Being Blindsided by Sin
Do you want to avoid being blindsided by sin, especially at a time when you thought you wouldn't fall? Here are some things you should do.
3 Truths That Will Dispel Your Fears of the Devil
Do you want to have that courage to stand up fearlessly against the devil? Here are some biblical truths you need to know.
To All Who Have Lost Hope After a Fall, Here's One for You
No matter how painful our fall, God can heal us. No matter how deep we fell into the mess we got ourselves in, with Christ's strength we can get out. No matter how far we've walked into the wilderness we stumbled upon as lost and confused men, the Holy Spirit can guide us to the right path.