JB Cachila
Does Being 'At Peace' With My Enemies Mean Being Friends With Them?
Have you ever been confused about what being "at peace" with your enemies mean?
3 Practical Ways to Show Love to Your Enemies
The Lord Jesus commands all who follow Him to love their enemies. I know this is particularly hard to do at face value. But if we really think about it, we can do it. Because Jesus said we should do it, we should believe that we can do it, and we should do it. Here are some practical ways to love our enemies.
Here's How a Grudge Destroys You
If you think what your offender did to you is destructive, you should know how equally destructive holding a grudge really is. Here are some ways we destroy our lives by being unforgiving.
3 Ways Wives Can Help Their Husbands Grow in Christ
A wife is the most awesome thing that could ever happen to a husband, next to Christ Jesus and God. Not only does a wife bring beauty, joy, and companionship to a husband, she also brings him great help in getting closer to God and in becoming more Christ-like with each day.
What Christians Should Do to Those Who Leave the Church
We're probably familiar with this growing trend right now: church leavers. Many are leaving churches nowadays for various reasons, and sadly many in the church don't know how to deal with it. How do we respond to it?
How a Church Hurt Helps You See God Better
Have you been hurt in your church? I pray that you won't give up on it simply because just like any family, all church members are imperfect and can hurt you any time. Let me encourage you: God loves you more than you know.
Looking for Something That Your Church Can't Give? Here's What You Should Do
Many of us go to church seeking for something it cannot give. When we do, we open ourselves to hurt, frustration, and disappointment. Many people who go to church looking for what only God can give end up unfulfilled, unhappy, and disillusioned. Have you ever felt that way?
New Christians in Your Church? Here Are 3 Ways You Should Treat Them
Those who are truly saved will rejoice at the salvation of one who is like them before they met Christ â sinners in dire need of the Saviour. Here are some ways Christians should treat new people in the church.
3 Practical Ways a Husband Can Guard His Heart â and His Marriage
Guys, let's believe that it's not impossible to love our wives the way the Lord loved the church. He promised that we'll be able to do it, especially now that He's interceding for us in heaven and we have the Holy Spirit empowering us to do what God wants us to do. Here are some practical ways we can guard our heart and protect our marriage.
Dear Christian, You Matter to God: Here's How You Can Respond to Him
We should know that while God loves us so much, He is also holy and just, and will not allow any sin to go unpunished. Thus, while He is stretching forth His arms to offer us salvation, while we still have the time to respond to Him, we must respond.
What Did Christ Really Save You From Anyway?
We people love to think that we deserve something good. We think we deserve the good life, we deserve to have some fun, we deserve to be rich and enjoy all the good things money can buy. While there's nothing wrong with these things, what we fail to realise is our real state without Christ.
3 Ways to Build Your Intimacy with God â the Jesus Way
If there's a person who history recorded as the most intimate with God the Father, it's the Son Himself, Jesus Christ. God the Father wants all of His children to be fashioned into the likeness of His Son so that all of us would be like Him â intimate with God and totally obedient to His will.