Harry Farley
El Salvador pastor accused of fuelling gang violence
A pastor in El Salvador has been accused of being involved in gang violence and of using his religious duties as a front to meet drug lords in prison.
Businesses should not be able to refuse gay people services, say most US religious groups
Most religious groups in the US do not think businesses should be allowed to refuse services to gay people, according to research released on Thursday.
France's top court to rule on legality of burkini ban
The row over France's controversial ban on women wearing burkinis has escalated with the country's top court to rule whether the law contravenes human rights.
Social media companies 'consciously failing' to fight extremism, say MPs
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are "consciously failing" to fight extremism and the promotion of violent terror on their sites, MPs said on Thursday.
Archbishop of Canterbury to meet Pope Francis in Rome
The Archbishop of Canterbury is expected to meet Pope Francis in Rome in early October.
'Christian' Union Jack on school uniforms hidden by Saudi religious police
The Marks & Spencer retailer has been forced by Saudi officials to partially cover up a school uniform's logo because it featured a British flag.
Top 5 daily prayer apps to help your devotional life
Here are the five best prayer apps we found on iTunes
Corbyn and Smith to face Jewish leaders in faith hustings
Jeremy Corbyn will face Jewish leaders next month when he takes part in a special Labour leadership hustings focused on religion.
Egypt: Knife-wielding attacker shot dead after stabbing guard at Coptic church
Egypt's state news reported the man was fatally shot by other security officials at the Virgin Mary church on the outskirts of Cairo after he stabbed one of their colleagues on Wednesday.
'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' author Joshua Harris hints he may have been wrong about purity
Joshua Harris, the archetype of the evangelical purity movement, has hinted he may have been wrong to suggest traditional dating was dangerous.
France's burkini ban is an insult to all religions and Christians must oppose it
There was something remarkably Orwellian about the sight of French police forcing a Muslim woman to undress on a beach in Nice, all in the name of liberty, equality and fraternity.
Most evangelical pastors are of a different generation to their congregants
The overwhelming majority of evangelical leaders run churches primarily attended by people of other generations.