Harry Farley
Four Fifths Of Evangelical Christians Do Not Believe Humans Cause Climate Change
Evangelical Christians remain resolutely behind-the-times when it comes to the "polarizing" belief that human action has caused climate change.
ISIS could become an 'international movement', MPs warn
ISIS could become an "international movement" if it is forced out of Syria and Iraq, MPs warned on Thursday.
Bad news for Hillary: Religious 'nones' are on the rise, but they aren't voting for her
People who do not identify with any religion is at an all time high in the United States as more and more people are leaving church, a new study has shown.
After centuries of separation, evangelicals and Catholics look to shared future
The 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation is an opportunity for a "healing of memories", the leaders of the Catholic and evangelical churches in Germany have announced.
10 times C.S. Lewis made the case for Christ
C.S. Lewis was one of the great bastions of 20th century Christianity against a growing tide of atheist philosophy.
Could ISIS ever be punished in court?
Amal Clooney wants to take ISIS to court for what she says is a "clear case of genocide". But what does this actually mean?
Evangelicals celebrate release of detained Christian missionary Kevin Garrett
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has thanked Justin Trudeau after he secured the release of Canadian missionary Kevin Garrett.
Christians urged to join Lib Dems for 'real opposition' to Tories
Christians discontent with politics were told they could find a home in the Liberal Democrats as Tim Farron urged Labour and Conservative moderates to consider a switch of allegiances.
Jesus' forgiveness needed to heal post-referendum anger, says Lib Dem president
Jesus' message of forgiveness needs to be learnt by politicians across parties, a senior Liberal Democrat figures told Christian Today on Tuesday.
Belgium's euthanasia spike is a 'warning bell' to UK, MPs told
MPs have been warned not to try and change the UK law on euthanasia after figures from Belgium showed a startling rise in doctor-assisted suicides, particularly among those who did not have a terminal disease.
Amal Clooney and Boris Johnson to launch campaign to collect evidence of ISIS' 'abhorrent crimes'
Amal Clooney and Boris Johnson will back a plan to collect evidence of ISIS' "abhorrent crimes" in the hope of one day bringing perpetrators to justice.
Millions of Christians to unite in prayer for revival
Millions of Christians across the church denominations will be urged to join the Archbishop of Canterbury's 'Thy Kingdom Come' prayer initiative ahead of Pentecost next year.