Harry Farley
Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley elected Green Party co-leaders
Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley, an outspoken Christian, are the new leaders of the Green Party.
ISIS' end is nigh: It has tried to ban football
ISIS have banned football referees within their rapidly decreasing territories. What does this tell us about the group's power?
Law is on your side over evangelism, Christians told
"Sensationalist" reports cause Christians to think they are not free to proselytise, according to a new resource which urges the public sharing of faith.
Pastor to be deported to possible death in Kenya
A pastor may be sent to his death next week after Scottish immigration officials rejected his application for asylum.
Italian monks forced into tents after monastery struck by earthquake
Monks have been forced to abandon their monastery for two tents after they were caught up in Italy's devastating earthquake last week.
ISIS leader killed in Syria
ISIS' chief strategist and one of its longest serving leaders has been killed in Syria, the group's news agency has reported.
Leading conservative Anglican says Church of England must split to stop 'contagious' gay marriage
A prominent conservative Anglican group has issued an unprecedented call for the Church of England to split over the issue of gay marriage.
Christian woman sues after being told to remove her headscarf
A Christian woman is taking legal action against Alabama county officials she was told to remove her headscarf before taking her driver's licence photo.
UN slams France's burkini ban in damning intervention
The United Nations human rights office has urged France to repeal its "stupid" ban on burkinis, saying they did not improve security and only fuelled religious intolerance.
Fears of trafficking as police reveal 9000 child refugees are missing in Germany alone
The number of missing child refugees in Germany has doubled since the start of the year with almost 9,000 feared to have disappeared.
Iraq: Displaced children taken from camps to fight ISIS
Child refugees are being recruited from camps in Iraq to fight ISIS, according to Human Right Watch.
Murdered nuns praised for lives of service to the poor
Hundreds of people turned out on Monday to remember two nuns who were murdered last week in Mississippi.