Harry Farley
Synagogue discovered from Jesus' time confirms accuracy of New Testament, says archaeologist
The ruins of an Israeli synagogue allegedly confirms New Testament portrayals of Jesus' life as accurate.
Southern African churches to consider blessing gay unions
Southern African churches may begin blessing same-sex unions after the Anglican Church in Southern Africa announced it would consider the move in its upcoming synod next month.
Theresa May urged to reinstate full time Minister for Faith
Theresa May has been urged to reinstate a Minister for Faith after the role was relegated in her cabinet reshuffle.
Homeless people given 'meaningless' advice, say MPs
Homelessness is even more widely spread than statistics suggests and "undoubtedly increasing", a committee of MPs said on Thursday.
Church launches weekly Pokemon Lure event to attract visitors
A church has launched a weekly "Pokemon Lure" event to attract visitors who would otherwise not think to enter a religious building.
British pilgrims survive five day ordeal after getting lost on Camino de Santiago
Two British pilgrims were rescued after they spent five days lost trying to walk the Camino de Santiago trail in Spain.
Bible commentaries pulped after New Testament scholar admits plagiarism
Several New Testament commentaries have been pulped after allegations of plagiarism were made.
#ThisFlag supporters disillusioned after Pastor Evan Mawarire flees to the US. What will happen next?
Pastor Mawarire has fled to the US and Zimbabwe's fate hangs in the balance
African Anglicans will never accept gay marriage, vows senior Church leader
A senior Anglican leader has vowed African churches will never accept same-sex marriage as he accused the Western church of a quasi-racist attitude towards former colonies.
Calls to tighten hate laws after police took 20 years to arrest Anjem Choudary
Laws to restrict hate preaching must be tightened, the government has been told, after Anjem Choudary was found guilty of inviting support for ISIS.
Catholic diocese forks out $1.2m after Spotlight lawyer accuses leaders of abuse cover up
A Catholic diocese in Maine has paid $1.2 million to victims of sex abuse after six men bought a lawsuit against the Church.
Rio 2016: Christian Taylor gives glory to God for triple jump gold
Christian Taylor, a committed evangelical Christian, has won gold in the triple jump at the Rio 2016 Olympics.