Christians 'Hung On A Cross Over Fire', Steamrollered And Crushed To Death In North Korea
Christians in North Korea face rape, torture, enslavement, and being killed for their faith, a damning new report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide has warned.

Mexican Priest Missing After Two Kidnapped And Killed
A Catholic priest has been kidnapped in Mexico, following the kidnapping and murder of two priests at the weekend.

Relentless Decline Of The US Episcopal Church Continues
The US Episcopal Church has lost nearly ten per cent of its members in just five years, latest figures show.

Four Fifths Of Evangelical Christians Do Not Believe Humans Cause Climate Change
Evangelical Christians remain resolutely behind-the-times when it comes to the "polarizing" belief that human action has caused climate change.

Debate Over 'Blasphemy' Flares In Gaza
A debate over blasphemy has broken out in the Gaza Strip after a senior academic with ties to Hamas suggested an anti-blasphemy law should be introduced.

'What's Happening Now Is Annihilation': Airstrikes Pound Rebels In Aleppo
The Syrian military, which is backed by the Russian air force, said late on Thursday it was starting a new operation against the rebel-held east.

Christians world's most persecuted faith group, Vatican official tells U.N.
Speaking this week at the United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants in New York, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin called for greater global action for people displaced by conflicts around the world.

Battle for Mosul looms: Pray for those trapped there, says Open Doors
The anti-persecution charity Open Doors is urging Christians to pray for Mosul as forced gather to begin the fight to take the Iraqi territory back from Islamic State.

Aleppo: Warplanes and artillery bombard rebels, dooming ceasefire hopes
Rebel officials and rescue workers said incendiary bombs were among the weapons that rained from the sky on the city.

ISIS shows how it brainwashes young kids and turns them into 'cubs of the caliphate'
The Islamic State (ISIS) has shown how it is raising an army of young warriors brainwashed and trained to become remorseless killing machines.

ISIS could become an 'international movement', MPs warn
ISIS could become an "international movement" if it is forced out of Syria and Iraq, MPs warned on Thursday.

'Dead' man revives in southeast Asian village when Christians pray over him
A previously-unreached village in southeast Asia was converted to Christ after their apparently dead leader came back to life when he was prayed over.

Mexico: Pope sends condolences as mourners pack church at funeral of murdered priest
Mourners packed into a church in Mexico's troubled Gulf coast state of Veracruz yesterday for the funeral of one of the two priests found to have been killed there on Monday.

Burnt and charred ancient Bible scroll resurrected by computer science
An ancient Biblical scroll that was reduced to a charred lump in a fire that destroyed a Jewish community in AD 600 has been virtually "unfurled" and read for the first time.

Bad news for Hillary: Religious 'nones' are on the rise, but they aren't voting for her
People who do not identify with any religion is at an all time high in the United States as more and more people are leaving church, a new study has shown.

Trump says he is 'very troubled' by police shooting of pastor Terence Crutcher
Crutcher was first tasered and then fatally shot after police arrived at the scene of his broken down SUV vehicle at around 8pm on Friday.