
Pakistan: Drunk Muslims beat up Christians in their own homes
Seven Christians were injured and five hospitalised in Pakistan after they were attacked in their own homes with metal bars by a mob of angry Muslims.

Christians in Egypt urge Coptic Church to stay out of politics
800 Christians have signed an online letter which protests against the Church's increasingly prominent political stance.

State of emergency declared amid protests in Charlotte, North Carolina
One person was shot and gravely wounded on Wednesday in a second night of unrest in Charlotte, North Carolina

Evangelicals in Italy back school head who bans Catholic mass
The Italian Evangelical Alliance (AEI) has expressed its "complete solidarity" with a state school head teacher who refused to give permission for Catholic Mass to be celebrated in school hours.

Disused churches are being donated to house homeless people
Religious orders and churches in Ireland are being asked to give empty properties to the state to help ease Ireland's homelessness crisis.

Christians in Nepal 'increasingly under threat' as eight charged with trying to convert children
The issue of religious freedom in Nepal has been raised at the UN this week, after the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) jointly highlighted the case of eight Christians who have been charged with proselytising after distributing a pamphlet about Jesus in two schools.

Most Germans fear the 'Islamisation' of their country, says poll
Nearly six in ten Germans fear the Islamisation of their country, according to a new poll published by a leading Christian organisation.

Christian boy in Pakistan jailed for blasphemy over Facebook 'like'
A 16-year-old boy in Pakistan has been jailed for a Facebook "like", according to World Watch Monitor.

Could ISIS ever be punished in court?
Amal Clooney wants to take ISIS to court for what she says is a "clear case of genocide". But what does this actually mean?

Syrian Archbishop: 'A bullet narrowly missed my head'
Christians are being targeted by Kurdish militia in Syria, according to a leader of the Syriac Catholic Church

Methodist exhibition 'demonises' Israel, says former Archbishop George Carey
The exhibition entitled 'You Cannot Pass Today' sparked a furious response from the Board of Deputies of British Jews.

Pro-life billboards inside Catholic cemetery in Canada vandalised, but caretakers choose not to be angry
Two pro-life signboards inside a Catholic cemetery in Canada became the targets of abortion advocates who spray-painted the signs with black paint.

Geologist claims to have new findings on Jesus Christ's burial place
Geologist Aryeh Shimron is offering new findings that may finally shed light on the mystery of Jesus' tomb, and may link two past controversial findings.

'Terrorists aren't yelling Jesus Christ': Christians aren't the ones spreading terrorism, Trump adviser says
Who should be blamed for this threat to global peace and security? For the top military adviser of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Christians are definitely not the ones to be blamed.

Pastor Steven Anderson deported from Botswana after calling for death of gays and lesbians
The president of Botswana said yesterday he had ordered the arrest and deportation of anti-gay US pastor Stephen Anderson.

Sudan bishop urges UN to intervene to save Christians facing death sentence
A prominent Sudanese bishop has appealed for the international community to intervene to save the lives of pastors who are facing the death sentence in a court in Sudan.