
Archaeologists In Israel Find Evidence That Proves Literal Truth Of Bible
Archaeologists have proved that passages of the Bible about the triumph of Judaism over the pagan Ba'al worship are literally true.

Over 200 New Church Planters Ready To Bring the Gospel To Nepal: 'Strike While The Iron Is Hot'
A Christian organisation that seeks to spread God's Word to unreached areas of the world is all set to move forward with its outreach mission to Nepal, an overwhelmingly Hindu South Asian nation.

Proposed 'Safe Zone' For Christians In Iraq Draws This Question: Who Would Spread The Gospel To Muslims?
A "safe zone" to protect the persecuted Christians in Iraq sparked a lot of interest when it was proposed during a recent meeting in Washington D.C., participated in by Iraqi Christians, Yazidis and members of other religious minorities.

God Speaks To Iranian Teen, Compelling Him To Leave Islam To Follow Jesus Even At The Risk Of Death
His father was not really a devout Muslim and more of a lover of money than his faith.

Former Buddhist Explains Why He Turned To Jesus: 'There Was Never A Personal Relationship With Any Of The Buddhas'
This Asian American grew up in a home in America adorned with statues of Buddha, with incense seeping in every room, including his own.

Christians In China Forbidden From Singing Hymns And Praying
Another church in China has been issued with a legal notice to quit Christian activities in the latest of a spate of actions against house churches.

More Christians Killed In Nigeria By Islamist Terrorists Of Boko Haram
More Christians have been brutally murdered in Nigeria in the latest attack on Christian villages by the Islamist terror group Boko Haram.

Shimon Peres, Lifelong Middle East Peace Campaigner, Dies At 93
Shimon Peres, the former Israeli president and elder statesman, died today at 93, prompting US President Barack Obama to say: "A light has gone out, but the hope he gave us will burn forever".

Archbishop Of Canterbury: Children Must Be Taught To Understand The Jihadist Mind
Children in the West need to understand what drives Islamist jiahdists to extreme acts of terror and murder, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

Russian Orthodox Church Hardens Stance Against Abortion, Calls For Total Ban
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill yesterday signed a petition to make abortion illegal, hardening the position of the church which previously only called for a ban on state-provided abortions which weren't a medical necessity.
1,000 Coptic Christians Rescued From Persecution, Hungary Claims
One thousand Coptic Christian have been covertly relocated to Hungary to flee increasing levels of persecution, according to government officials.

Syrian Government Launches Aleppo Ground Attack
The United States says the assault on Aleppo is proof that President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian and regional allies have abandoned an international peace process.

ISIS Executes 6 Fighters By Crushing Them With A Bulldozer
According to a report by The Daily Mail, the ISIS ordered the execution of six of its members in Iraq in the most brutal way imaginable: by being ran over and crushed by a bulldozer.

Revival in Kenya as over 6,000 people accept Jesus Christ into their hearts after 10-day outreach
When hundreds of missionaries urged Kenya locals to pray for a revival, they did not expect that it would lead to thousands of lives being saved just 10 days after.

Thousands protest against same-sex marriage plan in Mexico, call for defence of family values, marriage institution
It was a sight to see: Tens of thousands of people dressed mainly in white and carrying white balloons, marching as they held banners warning against same-sex marriage and demanding parents' right to control sex education in schools.

Iraqi Parliament Votes Against New Christian Province In Nineveh Plain
Plans for the creation of a new Christian province in northern Iraq's Nineveh Plain appear to have been scuppered by a vote in the Iraqi Parliament in favour of maintaining the administrative border of the province of Nineveh.