Franklin Graham Says Supporting Planned Parenthood Like \'Raising Money To Fund A Nazi Death Camp\'
Franklin Graham Says Supporting Planned Parenthood Like 'Raising Money To Fund A Nazi Death Camp'

Franklin Graham has said that raising money for abortion agency Planned Parenthood is like 'raising money to fund a Nazi death camp'

Trump Pledges One Of The \'Greatest Military Buildups In American History\'
Trump Pledges One Of The 'Greatest Military Buildups In American History'

President Donald Trump said he would make a massive budget request for one of the 'greatest military buildups in American history' on Friday in a feisty, campaign-style speech extolling robust nationalism to eager conservative activists.

China\'s Terror Laws Increasingly Used To Crack Down On Churches
China's Terror Laws Increasingly Used To Crack Down On Churches

Another crackdown on Christians in China is being reported. Radio Free Asia says both Catholic and Protestant congregations are being targeted in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.

Trump Administration Withdraws Transgender Students\' Use Of Restrooms Based On Gender Identity
Trump Administration Withdraws Transgender Students' Use Of Restrooms Based On Gender Identity

The Trump administration has decided to withdraw earlier policies set by the Obama administration with regard to transgender students' use of school facilities.

Number Of Married Americans Plunges To Historic Low As More Stay Single Longer
Number Of Married Americans Plunges To Historic Low As More Stay Single Longer

Marriage has apparently gone stale in America. The latest research shows that the proportion of those married in the U.S. is at its lowest point since at least 1920.

Free Missionary Andrew Brunson, US Lawmakers Tell Turkish President
Free Missionary Andrew Brunson, US Lawmakers Tell Turkish President

US lawmakers have written to Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asking him to release an American missionary pastor, Andrew Brunson.

Has Trump Killed The Two-State Solution For Israel-Palestine – And What Are The Alternatives?
Has Trump Killed The Two-State Solution For Israel-Palestine – And What Are The Alternatives?

What came of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting with US President Donald Trump yesterday? And what alternatives are there to a two-state solution?

Evangelicals Most Likely To Back Trump\'s Johnson Amendment Repeal
Evangelicals Most Likely To Back Trump's Johnson Amendment Repeal

But even among evangelicals, fewer than half believe religious institutions should be allowed to engage in political activity, a new poll reports.

Paula White\'s Husband Talks About His Faith Journey: \'I Want To Sing What God Wants To Hear\'
Paula White's Husband Talks About His Faith Journey: 'I Want To Sing What God Wants To Hear'

Televangelist Paula White's husband, rock star Jonathan Cain, is known for being a member of the rock group Journey. He has been with the band for almost 40 years, and even though he enjoyed a life of fame and success, he never truly found contentment until he reclaimed his long lost faith in God.

Dr. Oz Says Church Hymn Inspired Him To Launch New Faith-Based Segment Of His Show
Dr. Oz Says Church Hymn Inspired Him To Launch New Faith-Based Segment Of His Show

Inspiration comes from the most unexpected places. For cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz, the inspiration for his show's latest segment called "Faithful Fridays" was inspired by a church hymn.

Americans Feel More Warmly Towards Jews, Muslims And Catholics – But Not Evangelicals
Americans Feel More Warmly Towards Jews, Muslims And Catholics – But Not Evangelicals

The feelings of the American public have grown warmer towards nearly all religious groups in the past 12 months – except for one. There has no warming up in the feelings that Americans have for evangelicals.

Is Trump's Policy Of Prioritising Christian Refugees Unfair – On Christians?

Donald Trump appeared to make a major concession to Christians in the Middle East last month when he said that he would give priority to Christians when it comes to applying for refugee status in the US. But not all Christian leaders agree with the policy.

Christian Petition For Trump To Sign Religious Freedom Order Gets 107,000 Signatures In A Week
Christian Petition For Trump To Sign Religious Freedom Order Gets 107,000 Signatures In A Week

A Christian activist group's petition for President Trump to sign a controversial religious freedom executive order has received 105,000 signatures in a week. The plea joins calls from several Christian leaders urging action from the President.

Pastor Saeed Abedini Sentenced After Violating Restraining Order Taken Out By His Wife
Pastor Saeed Abedini Sentenced After Violating Restraining Order Taken Out By His Wife

The US-based pastor Saeed Abedini, who was released from an Iranian prison last year, has been sentenced after pleading guilty to violating a restraining order taken out by his estranged wife, Naghmeh.

Pastor Who Baptised Charleston Church Massacre Shooter Dylann Roof Says He Hasn\'t Given Up On Him
Pastor Who Baptised Charleston Church Massacre Shooter Dylann Roof Says He Hasn't Given Up On Him

Pastor Richard Graf from the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, who is known for having baptised convicted mass murderer Dylann Roof back in 1997, is not giving up hope on the young man even after he killed nine African-American worshippers from the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina back in June 2015.

US Evangelical Christians Are Divorcing At The Same Rate As The General Population, Study Finds
US Evangelical Christians Are Divorcing At The Same Rate As The General Population, Study Finds

Meanwhile, a significant proportion of practising Christians believes in cohabitation, according to the poll.