Pastor Tells Christians: Deal With Donald Trump With Prayer Instead Of Protest
Pastor Tells Christians: Deal With Donald Trump With Prayer Instead Of Protest

Pray instead of protest. A pastor from New York gave this advice to Christians who do not agree with the moves taken by U.S. President Donald Trump.

Priest Arrested On Suspicion Of Trying To Poison Superior
Priest Arrested On Suspicion Of Trying To Poison Superior

A Georgian Orthodox priest has been arrested after police accused him of attempting to poison a 'high-ranking Church official'.

Donald Trump Might Not Be The Antichrist But He Is Certainly Anti Christ
Donald Trump Might Not Be The Antichrist But He Is Certainly Anti Christ

The call comes at a time when Europe is struggling to know how to deal with the number of refugees crossing into the region, particularly from the Middle East, and parts of Asia and Africa.

Marco Rubio Attacks Chinese Government For Crackdown On Religious Freedom
Marco Rubio Attacks Chinese Government For Crackdown On Religious Freedom

Donald Trump's one-time rival for Presidential nominee has used his role on the Senate to speak against China's ongoing persecution of Christians.

U.S. Christians Plead With New CIA Director Mike Pompeo To Say No To Torture After Donald Trump's Waterboarding Comments

Christians in the U.S. are looking to new CIA Director Mike Pompeo to tread the high moral on torture after new President Donald Trump claimed waterboarding "works."

Donald Trump Inauguration Speech: President Trump Tells America It Will Be \'Protected By God\'
Donald Trump Inauguration Speech: President Trump Tells America It Will Be 'Protected By God'

Donald Trump sought to assure a divided America Friday that there should be no fear because the nation is under the protection of God.

\'God Just Came Into My Heart One Afternoon\': The Extraordinary Life Of George Washington Carver
'God Just Came Into My Heart One Afternoon': The Extraordinary Life Of George Washington Carver

Born into slavery in Diamond, Missouri during the Civil War in around 1864, Carver is perhaps best known for devising over 100 products including dyes, plastics and gasoline using one major crop: the peanut.

Congressional Panel Blasts Planned Parenthood Over Abuses In Foetal Tissue Trade
Congressional Panel Blasts Planned Parenthood Over Abuses In Foetal Tissue Trade

A Congressional panel has hit out at Planned Parenthood in a report highlighting abuses and possibly criminal violations in the foetal tissue trade between abortion clinics and tissue harvesters.

More Than 2,400 Interfaith Leaders Request Meeting With Trump, Call For Truly \'Moral Agenda\'
More Than 2,400 Interfaith Leaders Request Meeting With Trump, Call For Truly 'Moral Agenda'

A group of more than 2,400 "progressive" faith leaders have strongly criticised Donald Trump in an open letter and asked to meet the president-elect in the hope of persuading him to pursue a "moral agenda".

Seventh Christmas In Jail For Christian Mother Asia Bibi Facing Execution For Blasphemy In Pakistan
Seventh Christmas In Jail For Christian Mother Asia Bibi Facing Execution For Blasphemy In Pakistan

Asia Bibi is fighting a long and difficult battle for her life after being sentenced to death for blasphemy in 2009.

National Geographic Is \'Shaking A Fist At God\' By Featuring A 9-Year-Old Transgender Child On Its January Cover
National Geographic Is 'Shaking A Fist At God' By Featuring A 9-Year-Old Transgender Child On Its January Cover

The American Family Association says National Geographic's decision to feature Avery Jackson on the cover of its January issue is an affront to biblical authority.