Judge throws out class action against Christian group brought by LGBT activists
A judge in Canada has thrown out a $100 million-plus class-action defamation lawsuit brought by homosexual activists against a Christian group.

The profound Christian faith of Vincent van Gogh
Today is the birthday of the legendary artist Vincent van Gogh. The artist is beloved for his unique, rich and vibrant style â and remembered as a misunderstood genius whose life ended in tragedy. What many may miss is that behind his masterful art and complex life was a committed Christian faith.

US pastor charged for 'illegal' Bible study in Russia appeals to European Court of Human Rights
A US Baptist pastor found guilty of 'conducting illegal missionary activities' in Russia has taken his case to the European Court of Human Rights.

Tribes, tensions and gay marriage: What's the future for the Church of England?
It's no secret that the Church of England has been in turmoil of late. Internal tensions over passionately held positions on human sexuality and church leadership have dominated ecclesial news. Can 'good disagreement' in the broad church prevail, or will persisting division provoke a painful divorce?

I'm a Christian woman. Should I be bothered if the way I dress makes a man struggle with 'sexual purity'?
The debate over #legsit has got me thinking about how Christian women should dress in today's world. It feels like whatever we do, we're going to upset someone, whether it is the Twitterati, our Christian brothers and sisters, the neighbourhood atheist, or just the man and woman in the street.

'People all over the world are praying for you': Billy Graham chaplains help those affected by London terror
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team was deployed to help those affected by the attack and the outpouring of grief and anger.

'Love divine, all loves excelling': 7 inspiring hymns by Charles Wesley
The legendary poet, pastor and co-founder of Methodism, Charles Wesley, died on this day in 1788. He is arguably the greatest hymn-writer in Christian history â here are seven of his greatest hymns.

Christian convert in prison in Iran is seriously ill and in urgent need of medical care
The health of Maryam Naghash Zargaran, the Christian convert in prison in Iran, deteriorated badly last week and she has lost a lot of weight.

The transgender bathroom war can be won
What's wrong with compromise? Nothing, except whenever it means a sacrifice of principle.

There's a good biblical reason why evangelicals should support women in the boardroom
As Genesis chapters 1-2 explain, things are not good when only masculinity is present.

Christians can't just complain about culture, they need to nurture it too
If the main contribution that Christians make to culture is complaining about it, we're doing something wrong.

Was Christopher Columbus really a Jew fleeing persecution by the Spanish Inquisition?
The latter idea is not a new one, but it's surfaced again in an article for Breaking Israel News, a Christian Zionist publication.
Christians are to the fore in efforts to find homes in the UK for thousands of Syrian refugees
Thousands of Syrians fleeing Islamic State, the Assad regime and other threats have come to Britain where Christians have played a central role in helping them stay and start a new life.

#NotInMyCity : Black and white pastors swap churches to build bridges and combat racism in Texas
Pastors in Texas sought to combat racial division and build church unity this weekend by swapping pulpits and each facing new congregations.

Franklin Graham: Republicans make me 'sick' over healthcare failure
Franklin Graham has blasted Republicans failure to repeal Obamacare, saying it makes him 'sick'.

Leading American evangelicals ask: 'How should the Church respond to Trump?'
Leading writers and thinkers of American evangelicalism will discuss how to respond to the Trump presidency in the next convention of the Evangelical Press Association (EPA) in April.