Analysis: What does it mean for a charity to call itself Christian?
Gone are the days when it is acceptable for a charity to use aid as a 'front' for evangelism.

'The Lord is their refuge': 9 Bible verses on the poor
The Bible is full of positive, even revolutionary references to the poor, epitomised by Jesus's Beatitudes in the sermon on the mount.

Christians, for the love of God, stop calling gay activists Nazis
There is nothing new under the sun. Yet some depressing patterns repeat with such alarming regularity that one wonders if some people missed the memo.

Ancient Christian frescoes in the catacombs of Rome unveiled to the world for first time in centuries
Laser technology has been used to reveal Christian frescoes from centuries ago, hidden until now in the underground tunnels of the catacombs of Rome.

Q & A explainer: Why Trump is likely to disappoint the Israelis by not moving the US embassy to Jerusalem
The reason today is significant goes back to 1995, when the US Congress approved the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which requires that the American embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Today, June 1, marks one of the six-month intervals in which the waiver has come up for being signed.

Mosque proposal that led to Southern Baptist controversy gets the go-ahead
The controversial mosque proposal that became caught up in a row between Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist leadership is to go ahead.

Professional dancer says his cerebral palsy is an 'asset', not a hindrance, to fulfilling God's purpose for his life
Dancer Jerron Herman says he lives on the biblical principle stated in Romans 8:28: 'All things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.'

Pastor and his wife plead guilty to defrauding summer food programme for low-income children
Robbie Wilkerson, founding pastor of New Birth Christian Center church in Chicago, and his wife, Tasha, are facing prison time for defrauding thousands of dollars from the summer food programme.

Pat Robertson's son says End Times prophecy about Israel is being fulfilled
"For me we're in the time where we wait for the appearing of Elijah," said Gordon Robertson.

8 Bible verses of encouragement as you prepare for exam season
With exams coming up, I think it's safe to say that taking time out of your day to meditate on the word is probably the furthest thing away from your mind. If you are feeling the stress a bit too much, here are some encouraging Bible verses along with gentle reminders to encourage you to keep on going.

Jesus spoke of the importance of children. So why do they get so little international aid cash?
A tiny fraction of international aid money goes towards protecting children from violence, Christian charities are claiming.

Through the fiery furnace: Why we can trust God in hard times
Nowadays, when we say that someone's been tried in the furnace, we mean that they've gone through an experience that's tried them to their limits, and come out the other side.

Why reading what's not true can sometimes point to truth
A lot of Christians love reading fiction. But does reading what is openly not true do us more harm than good, or does it help us to come closer to what is really true? Novelist Les Cowan looks at the pros and cons.

You can get blessed by a robot priest. What's not to like?
Robots have been the future for a long time. Now they're the present, and they're making their presence felt in the most unlikely places.

7 things women love about Christian men
There are many characteristics men hold that women love, however, for Christian men, there's an extra spark that captures a woman's heart.Take a look and see if you may be able to agree:

The 'Deathless Sermon': How one preacher changed the world
Today marks one of the most significant events in Baptist history and ought to be marked every year, at least â realistically â when it falls on a Sunday.